42: Spider

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'Kacchan... he likes me. He's always liked me, and I was stupid to think that he never did.'

Though she thought getting to hear what he had to say would be a relieving answer, it was the complete opposite for her. Just reimagining how desperate and longing Katsuki looked at her through that entire confession made her heart throb as she felt like she did the wrong thing. 

But thinking about how she would hurt Reed if she were to change her mind about him and go to Katsuki... she couldn't bear to see that kind of pain written on Reed's face. She was confused and worried that she made the wrong choice and thinking that these feelings for Katsuki had completely disappeared like she was expecting them to. 

She felt completely torn and didn't know what to do anymore.


The greenette looked up to see Reed walking towards her and worry grew on his face. 

"What's wrong? Why're you crying, can you tell me?" he asked as he knelt down in front of her and helped her off the floor. 

"O-Oh, i-it's nothing Reed. I-I'd just gotten a call from someone I hadn't heard from in a really long time and just hearing their voice ended up making me cry a little. I-I'm fine, really." she said as she patted her eyes dry, trying not to smudge her makeup. 

"Are you sure, do you want to leave?" 

"No no, I'm fine, you don't need to worry." she said, trying to smile it off. 

Reed could tell something was wrong from just looking at her smile, and he couldn't hold back any longer.

Just when she thought things would be fine again, Izuku felt something press onto her own lips and she opened her eyes to see Reed was kissing her! She wasn't sure what was actually happening, and as much as she wanted to try and enjoy this first kiss with Reed... she didn't feel anything. 

There were no sparks, her heart was dancing in her chest, she didn't feel her body temperature rising and she actually... didn't even like the taste of the kiss either. The kiss somehow tasted... bitter–almost burnt–and he smelled like... like charcoal. 

Izuku didn't like this, she didn't like this kiss, how it felt, nothing, and all she could do was just stand there in shock.

Reed released his lips from her and smiled sweetly down at her. 

"I was going to wait a little longer to kiss you, but I was worried something bad happened and couldn't help myself." Reed explained. 

"Ah- I-I see... I-I was just a little surprised, b-but it's fine." she said, trying to fake her smile after what she just experienced. 

"Who is still out here talking-" 

Both Izuku and Reed turned around to see Katsuki walking out of the hallway where he'd just spoken to the greenette. 

"Oh- K-Kacchan... I-I didn't know you were out here, I-" 

"Izuku, why don't you go back to the banquet, as I think I should have a little talk with your friend here." Reed said. Izuku made a quick glance at Katsuki and looked back up at Reed and nodded and then left the two men alone.

The second the greenette was out of sight, both men glared at each other and it was like no one else should even try and bother them. 

"You seemed to have done something to Izuku for her to look like that, huh Number 1 hero?" Reed asked. 

"Tch- I'm better than her ex, I can say that much." Katsuki stated. 

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