67: One Drink Gone Wrong

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As the sound of her phone rang, the greenette groaned from hearing the loud echo and pulled the covers over her face. 

'My head... Why did I drink so much with Yaoyorozu last night? Who's calling me this early in the morning?' she thought as she reached her hand out to try and find the phone and managed to grab it and didn't even look to see who it was that was calling her. 


"Hey, Midoriya!" 

The greenette immediately pulled the phone away from her ear as she felt her ear ringing and it just caused her head to pound more. 

"Hm? Who is this?" 

"It's me, Yaoyorozu!" 

"Oh, Yaoyorozu. Sorry, I'm not completely awake yet and I've got a really bad hangover."

"Oh yeah, sorry we both ended up drinking so much last night. Luckily, Todoroki got me some hangover soup and I feel a lot better now, so you should get some too, you'll feel a lot better too." 

"Is that the only thing you were wanting to call me about?" 

"Oh, right, back to why I called you! Listen, before Uraraka tried to make a pity party last night, we were talking about all of us going to Nabu Island for a little vacation starting today! I meant to tell you last night, but completely lost the thought of it once I started drinking." 

"Hm? Vacation to Nabu Island? And who's 'us'?" 

"All of 1-A." 

That caught the greenette's attention and she sat up from the bed and looked around to see she was lying in Katsuki's bed. 

'I'm at Kacchan's, so where is he?' she thought as she got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom.

"I figured if Bakugo hasn't told you, then I should invite you since you were in our class too. But then again, you don't have to if you're busy with work since you're not a hero and a doctor now. Or if you don't really wanna see the other girls, you don't have to come." 

Izuku walked into the living room and looked up to see a note sticking on the fridge that was addressed to her. 

I made some hangover soup for you, so you better eat it and get some rest. I have to go to Nabu Island for something, and I was gonna ask you to come, but since you got drunk, I don't want you to get worse. 

'How long has Kacchan known about this vacation with everyone?'

"Umm... Midoriya? Are you still there?" 

"Yes! And I'll go." 

"Ah- really?" 

"Mn. I'll start packing right away." 

"Great! Everyone else is here at the dock and we're about to take a ship there. You don't need to rush yourself to get here, but I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you can join us." 

"Yeah, oh, but don't tell anyone I'm coming." 

"Eh? Why not?" 

"I think it'd be better to surprise everyone." 

"Oh okay, sure will, Midoriya." 

"Then I'll see you at Nabu Island in a little bit, bye." And ended the call with Yaoyorozu. 

'Though I should tell Kacchan I'm coming, I'd rather surprise him. Let's eat this hangover soup Kacchan made and then get packed for a vacation I've desperately needed!' she thought and got into a busy morning.

Paging Dr. Dekuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें