24: I Just want Love

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"Do you... want to join me for lunch?"

'Oh God, what made me think to suddenly ask him to join me for lunch? Have I really lost it now?' Izuku thought as they were sitting across each other just as they got their food. 

"Any reason why you picked this place?" Katsuki asked. 

"Ah- I-It's because you're still wearing a cast, and since you're dominant with your right hand, I figured it should be something you could eat without struggling to use chopsticks." Izuku answered nervously. 

'I wasn't sure if I was dreaming, but I'm still surprised that she actually asked me to have lunch with her. I'm still mad I wasn't able to blast that prick's face off.' Katsuki thought.

"I'd usually have lunch with Reed, but he said he had some family stuff today so he couldn't come see me today. Sorry I randomly asked you to join me, I'm so used to having lunch with someone during the week." Izuku explained. 

'So she's already gotten used to being around him.' 

"Are you two..." 

"Hm? We're what?" 

"Are you two dating?" 

"Eh? O-Oh n-no not yet! T-Though we're just s-seeing each other right now, w-we're taking our time before we actually do start dating. It may sound ridiculous to do something like that, but since we've both been cheated on–and both of our past relationships were basically rushed–we want to take as much time as we need." Izuku answered. 

"Ah- got it." he muttered, relieved that she wasn't dating, but still a little upset since that meant that she could really end up dating Reed judging from how happy she's been acting with him.

"So... are you and Uraraka really not getting back together?" Izuku asked. 

"What? No. You heard what I said, and besides... being in a relationship is tiring." he answered as he took a bite of his food. 

"Ah- that makes sense. Well, if you ever do find someone that you think is the right person, then I'll support you no matter what." Izuku said, trying to cheer him up. 

"Right... thanks." 

"Oh yeah, and thanks again for making me feel better last night too." Izuku said. 


"At the batting cage, you made me realize how much stress I was holding inside, so thanks for helping me feel better for releasing that stress." Izuku repeated. 

'Oh yeah, he said something about seeing Deku last night.' Katsuki thought, thinking back to what Kei said in the video.

When I saw her last night, I noticed that she cried before coming here, and she didn't tell me what the issue was until after I took her out to a batting cage." "She seemed a lot better after I took her there, and that's when she told me that her ex went to see her at her work yesterday. Why didn't you tell me Izuku was cheated on? Why didn't you do anything to make her feel better? Well, though I should be mad you haven't said anything about Izuku, I am glad I was the one that managed to make her feel better. But... I didn't know she moved on from her ex so fast that she's already seeing someone new." 

'Was she really that stressed about seeing her ex yesterday. I'm surprised she apparently came to my place to see me after that.' Katsuki thought.

He glanced up to see that her eyes were slightly puffy and he couldn't help but reach his hand out and brush his thumb near her eye. 

"Your eyes... they're a little puffy." he muttered. 

Just his subtle and warm touch made the greenette's chest beat fast, and when she looked up at his face, she felt her body freeze from how worried he looked. 

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