57: Truth

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As she sat there and was filled with worry and shaking with fear, Izuku knew this was the only option she had. 

'I have to, I need to. If I don't talk to Reed about this, then things could turn out the worst for us, and I don't want that to happen. I just want... I just want Kacchan to be happy.' Izuku thought, thinking back to her conversation she had with Melissa before she left.

( Flashback )

"Oh geez Izu... you've made some conflicting situations for yourself."

Right when it got quiet, the greenette's phone buzzed and she looked to see it was a message from Reed. 

"It's Reed!" 

"Well, read it! What'd he say?" Melissa asked. 

Izuku nervously opened up her phone and carefully pressed the messages to see what Reed had texted, and that was when she felt scared. 

Would you be alright meeting up with me for dinner tonight, there's something I want to talk to you about, and it's important. 

"He said he wants to see me for dinner tonight and wants to tell me something." Izuku said. 

"He wants to tell you something? I swear, if he tries to propose to you or something, then he's really lost it!" 

"I-I don't know, but whatever it is... I think I should tell him something important too." Izuku mumbled.

"Wait- Izu, you're not gonna tell him that you've been seeing Katsuki and basically cheating on him, are you?" 

"No, I think... I think I should break up with Reed." 

"Ah- oh. Gonna snip the bud before things get worse, huh? Well, as much as I should tell you not to break up with Reed, he has been going behind your back and meeting his ex. You don't wanna go through that pain that you went through with Shindo, right?" 

"Mn. And though we're not 100% certain if he's really seeing his ex for romantic purposes, but... I think I've finally realized that I'm not as happy or as comfortable as I thought I'd be with Reed. Ever since Reed appeared, Kacchan appeared too, and those feelings I had for Kacchan started coming back sooner than I thought. I want to make things right and really tell Reed about my feelings towards Kacchan and maybe he'll understand." 

"I hope so, but at least you're not running away or hiding yourself from this." 

"Hopefully this kind of thing won't happen again."

( Back to Present )

She kept re-reading the text message that Reed sent her earlier that day, and she was feeling butterflies in her stomach as she was unsure of what Reed wanted to tell her. 

'I have to break up with Reed, it's the only way I can get this thought of worry or feeling uncomfortable away. And as much as I don't want to hurt Reed, I don't want to hurt Kacchan any longer. I'll have to confront Reed too about him seeing his ex if he tries to argue with me on why we should break up, it's the only choice I have left.' she thought as she clutched her phone tighter in her hand.

"Izuku, there you are." 

The greenette jolted her head up to see Reed walking up to her, and those butterflies in her stomach grew more than before. 

'Calm down, this is just a sign that I can't continue having a relationship with Reed.' she thought as she tried to slow her breathing down. 

"Did you wait long?" 

"Oh no, I just got here a little bit ago." 

"Oh good, were you able to get everything taken care of at the hospital earlier?" 

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