44: Light

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After getting the call on where the greenette was, Melissa ran through the lobby of the building and took the elevator in a hurry. The second the elevator came to a stop, the blonde looked up to see Izuku was standing in the hallway with a blanket covering her and she was standing in front of Reed. 

Melissa looked up to see Police carrying an unconscious and badly beaten Shindo out of Izuku's place. 

'What happened?' Melissa thought as she walked past the Police and towards Izuku.


Izuku and Reed turned their heads to see Melissa walking up to them and she appeared worried. 

"Are you okay, Izu? What happened?" 

"It was S-Shindo... he kidnapped me and brought me to my place and tried to- h-he t-tried to-" 

"Shindo tried to take advantage of Izuku. He was already knocked out unconscious by the time I got here." Reed said, helping Izuku out with finishing her sentence since she was still frazzled by the whole thing. 

"Wait- it wasn't you who beat the crap out of him? Who was-" 

"I-It was Kacchan." 

Melissa batted her eyes to make sure she didn't hear the wrong thing. 

"Katsuki? How did he know you were here?" 

"I-I don't know, b-but he stopped S-Shindo before things got worse." Izuku answered. 

"So where is he now?"


All three of them turned their heads to see Katsuki leaving his own place and carrying his right arm in a sling. 

"Woah- you look horrible." Melissa noted. 

"Thanks, like I wanted to look like this." 

"Huh, well now it makes sense why the door looks like an explosion hit it. But at least you got there in time to save Izu." Melissa said. 

"Y-Yes, t-thank you, K-Kacchan..." Izuku mumbled as she was still shaken from everything. 

"Oh Izu, let's get you out of here and take you to my place. You'll feel a lot better at my place than here." Melissa said. 

"Actually, you should come to my place, Izuku. I'll make sure you're safe and protected the entire night." Reed stated, trying to change the greenette's mind. 

"What? But I'm her friend and she'd be much more comfortable if she's at my place!" 

"And I'm her boyfriend, who is supposed to protect her no matter what, so she should come to my place." Melissa and Reed argued. 

'Why the hell did I leave my place when I could be asleep right now.' Katsuki thought.

"U-Umm... a-actually..." 

Both Melissa and Reed turned their attention back to the greenette as she looked nervous. 

"I-I was actually wanting to stay at Kacchan's." she stated. 

Katsuki flinched when his name was called, and he felt completely dumbfounded when he heard she actually wanted to stay at his place!!! 

"Wha- Izuku, why would you-" 

"Izu, can I talk to you for a second, alone?" Melissa asked as she grabbed the greenette's arm. 

Izuku and Melissa walked to the end of the hallway near the elevator and both Reed and Katsuki just looked at each other.

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