10: Diamond

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"I think I can understand the situation as to why you shut Kei out for so long, honestly." 

"Huh? What?" 

"The same time you completely shut Kei out, was right when you and Uraraka started dating, wasn't it?"

Katsuki batted his eyes to process what he was just told and wasn't sure if he should believe it or not. 

"I mean... It was around the same time." 

"But I think I understand when Kei was saying that you were miserable without him around." Takashi noted. 

"Arg- how many times do I have to say it? I'M NOT MISERABLE, I'M FINE!!!" Katsuki yelled and then stood up from his chair and was heading to the door. 

"Where're you going?" 

"No point in talking to you today since you're just gonna keep siding with that prick." Katsuki answered as he opened the door and left Takashi's office. 

'Hah- I can tell he's frustrated, but that doesn't mean he needs to block out what I'm trying to tell him.' Takashi thought once the blond left.

Izuku was sitting at her desk–looking through documents like usual–and just happened to look up at the right time to see Katsuki leaving the hospital. 

'Kacchan! I need to talk to him about Uraraka's situation.' 

"Ah- Ka- Mr. Dynamite!" she exclaimed and watched as the blond jerked his head to see her looking up at him. 

'Deku? Why's she calling me?' he thought as he walked up to her. 


"Hey listen, I just... I got to see Uraraka yesterday." 

"Yeah, what about it?" Izuku felt nervous just from how he was staring down at her. She could easily tell that he wasn't in a good mood, but it was now or never. 

"Well, U-Uraraka seems pretty upset that you broke up with her." 

"Yeah, and?" 

"And, she wants to know why you broke up with her on the phone." Izuku answered.

'Seriously? Did she ask Deku to talk to me just because we used to be close friends?' Katsuki thought. 

"And why should I tell you?" 

"W-Well, it's just... Uraraka is really upset and is confused as to why you broke up with her this time. And since she's my friend too, I figured-" 

"She asked you to ask me about this, didn't she?" Izuku jerked her head to look up at him. 


"She asked you to talk to me, didn't she?" 

"W-Well... maybe. I-It's not like she hasn't tried to talk to you herself, it's just you've been ignoring her." Izuku claimed. 

"I haven't ignored her, I'm just busy doing other things that're more important." Katsuki stated. 

"That's still ignoring." 

"And there's no reason why I should tell you instead of her." Katsuki answered.

"Well before she was your girlfriend, she was my best friend, in case you forgot." Izuku stated. 

"Why are other people relying on you to talk to me? They're using you again." Katsuki said. 

"I-I know that, but I also know that people get mad at me if I say no to not helping them out. It's just natural for me to help." 

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