78: Hello Stranger

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Izuku turned her head around and immediately the smile on her face had vanished at the sight of the man standing there and looking at her. 

"S-Sh... Shindo."

"YOU'RE DATING INKO'S DAUGHTER?!?! SINCE WHEN AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME, YOU BRAT?!?!" Mitsuki yelled through the phone. 

"Geez, now I'm definitely gonna go deaf from that. We were planning on telling you and her mom, but we've been busy." Katsuki groaned. 

"Getting busy with what? Don't tell me you two have been busy trying to make kids or something BEFORE you're even married?!?!" 

"No, you old hag! Deku's been working at the hospital a lot and I'm busy with hero stuff, but this isn't the reason I called you." Katsuki huffed. 

"Then what's the reason to randomly call me and surprise me that you're dating my best friend's daughter?" Mitsuki asked. 

"We wanna buy a house!" Katsuki yelled, and there was silence on the other end of the line. Katsuki noticed the long silence and looked to see if his mom hung up on him since it was so silent.

"Uhh... mom?" 

"You and Izuku want to buy a house and move in together?!?! Why didn't you tell me sooner, you brat?!?" Mitsuki yelled, making Katsuki's ears start ringing from the loud yell. 

"Ow- I would've told you sooner, but like I said, we've been busy." Katsuki answered. 

"Then if you're looking for a house, then that means you need to propose to her soon, brat! You can't keep a girl waiting forever!" 

"No, I'm not gonna propose to Deku yet!" Katsuki yelled. 

"Huh? What's gotten into you, brat? I thought you'd for sure want to propose to Izuku by now if it's that serious that you're asking me to help you buy a house." Mitsuki noted. 

'As much as I wanna propose to Deku, I can't do that yet because Kei's still in the picture. It'll look bad if people find out Deku's married two personalities of the same body.' Katsuki thought. 

"Just not yet, I'm waiting for a reason that I can't tell you. Just help me and Deku get a house, that's all I'm asking for. I gotta go now." 

"What? Yah- you brat, that's not a clear reason on-" And he hung up before he could hear the rest. 

"Hah- I still gotta figure out a way to get rid of Kei, but how the hell am I gonna do that right now? I'll just have to wait until things get easier for me and Deku.'

As the two of them sat across from each other–both at a reasonable distance from the other–Izuku and Shindo sat in silence and neither didn't know how to start the conversation. 

'It's been more than a month since the last time I've seen Shindo, but I'm still afraid of him after what happened that night. I could've sworn he was taken into custody after that night, so how is he here and able to talk to me like nothing is wrong?' Izuku thought. 

"You seem to be doing really well, I can tell just by the way you're dressed, Izu-san." Shindo commented. 

Izuku felt a chill down her spine from his compliment and wasn't sure what to say to his response. 

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