1: Blindsided

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( In POV of Izuku )


Of all words that I've hated hearing, cheat is one of the worst ones for me. 

No matter what the situation may be, there are countless times where I've seen people use this word as an action to get away with something, and I've hated it. Never in my mind would I think that one day I would end up getting cheated on by someone I thought really loved me. 

Guess that really proves that anything can happen.

( Back in Time, and in No one's POV )

As she rushed to leave work, the greenette kept checking her phone to see if she'd gotten any messages that she missed. Just as she was about to quit checking her phone, she'd gotten a call from the one person she was looking forward to hearing from. 

"Yo-kun~!" she exclaimed. 

"Hey, Izu-san, is it a bad time to talk?" 

"No, of course not! I just got off work for the day!" 

"Lucky, I'm still working, but I'll make sure to be free for our date tonight." 

'Poor Yo-kun, ever since he got ranked in the top 25 of heroes in Japan, he's been busy as ever. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff anymore.' 

"Well I'll be waiting for you. I'm so excited to see you today, which sucks since we won't be able to see each other tomorrow." 

"Yeah, and it's your birthday tomorrow, but don't worry, I'll make tonight special!" 


"Yup. So just a few more hours and then I'll be done for the day!" 

"Okay! I can't wait to see you, Yo-kun, bye!"

'Oh, if I have a few hours until Yo-kun get's off work, then I should go home and get ready! Wait- maybe if I ask Melissa, she can help me!'

This is Izuku Midoriya, soon to turn 24, and is a doctor and is known for her skills of her quirk being healing! Though she did manage to become a hero by going to–and graduating– U.A. High, she decided that it was more important to help those that needed their lives saved in a safe environment than risking her life to do so. When she was a hero, she was just known as Deku, but ever since she quit being a hero and became a doctor, she became known as Dr. Deku. 

Not much of a drastic change in her name, but she was fine with it since there are plenty of people that knew her when she was a hero now that she's become a doctor.

And the person she was talking to on the phone? 

That was Yo Shindo, otherwise known as the Vibration Hero; Grand, and is a widely known hero in Japan and is ranked 22nd overall. He is actually a year older than Izuku and didn't go to U.A. with Izuku, but went to Ketsubutsu High, but Yo and Izuku had first got to meet each other at the provisional licensing exam back when they were in high school, and they became friends after that. Yo is also Izuku's boyfriend of 2 years. 

Right before Izuku retired from working as a hero, Yo took the chance to ask her out, and they've been dating ever since.

'I hope Melissa's home, she's always been the one to help me out on these dates.' Izuku thought as she knocked on the door and heard a faint; 

"Just a minute!" 

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