The only reason I was keeping myself busy is because I was waiting for Aiden to text me. I didn’t want to seem like a clingy girlfriend; wanting to be around him all the time, even though I did. Aiden had that personality that made you want to be around him all day long.

            And to think about it, Aiden and I weren’t even boyfriend and girlfriend. We were mates and this is what mates did. They were around each other all the time, basically inseparable. At least I think that’s what it was like. It was for me anyways.

            If I didn’t have cancer and my family, I’d be following Aiden around like a lost puppy. I loved him, and he knew it, even though we haven’t said it to each other yet.

            I think I loved Aiden the first time I saw him.

            I was paying attention to the television, watching as Phoebe, and Paige came up with a spell to turn Leo and Piper back human again, when my phone vibrated against my thigh. My heart sped up as I grabbed it and saw Aiden’s name pop up onto my screen.

Aiden: Hey babe :) I know you’re up. Why aren’t you here already?

Sah’nai: Because I was waiting for you :)

Aiden: Do you need a ride?

Sah’nai: Nope.

Aiden: Well get out of the house and make your way over or I’m coming.

Sah’nai: Okay give me an hour!

Aiden: Text me when you need the directions.

Sah’nai: :) Got it!

            I immediately jumped off of the couch and ran upstairs and into my room to get my things for a shower. Once I was finished washing I got out and walked into my room drying off thoroughly so that I didn’t get pneumonia when I went outside in the rain.

            Walking over to my closet I stared inside of it at all of its contents, while biting my lip. I was in a bit of a dilemma seeing as it was raining outside, therefore I didn’t need to get too dressed up, but I still wanted to look cute for Aiden.

            After a few minutes of blank staring and thinking I grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans, a light green off the shoulder sweater, and black ankle boots and put them on. Once dressed, I stood in front of my mirror and ran my fingers though my hair until the curls didn’t look so wild. I sat at my vanity and began to put on a little bit of mascara and eye liner before standing up and walking out of my room.

            I grabbed my jacket from off of the coat rack and exited outside, locking up before running out to my car.

Sah’nai: I’m on my way. What are the directions?

            Aiden lived thirty minutes away on the opposite side of town, and I had to say that I wasn’t surprised to know that he was rich. It wasn’t hard to figure out by the cars he drove and the way that he dressed. Being a vampire has the benefits of collecting money from all of the years that you were on this earth; working for a living of course.

            Aiden lived in a sprawling three story house that was surrounded by a huge wrought iron fence. The house was made out of brick, but had floor to ceiling windows on the second floor, while the third had no windows at all. There was a winding driveway and a six car garage. Not sure where to park, I parked off to the side a little.

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