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Megan POV

After that catastrophe of a Christmas dinner, Beyoncé and I were able to clear out her mansion and get everyone out. It was no shade to our family, but that dinner was a mess and we didn't need anyone lingering around and witnessing what we needed to do to discipline our children.

Beyoncé and I didn't have a problem with our children defending themselves and arguing with Aubrey or Lauren, because from what we were told, those grown ass women were in the wrong, but what we do have a problem with is our children fighting each other.

It was embarrassing how Egypt and Azaria were going at each other in front of the entire family and the thing is, all that fighting and throwing of insults, no one won. They both did equal damage to each other, so there was no point. They both came out as the loser in the situation.

Bey and I don't condone nor like our children fighting each other and I truly don't understand what the hell happened that pushed this fight to even happen.

Egypt and Azaria were separated in their rooms as Bey and I pulled Cadence aside to figure out what happened and why the fight happened.

"Egypt was trying to stop Azaria from fighting Lauren, because she knew what was going to happen to her if y'all saw her fighting. E was just looking out and Azaria started going off on her. Z was saying how she's not cool with Egypt, because of Devin. I told Azaria that she didn't know what she was talking about. She doesn't know about the rape or anything and the fact that E is still struggling mentally, I was trying to diffuse everything. E was trying to explain to Azaria that she didn't know Devin like that and wasn't in a relationship with him. Then when Azaria was defending him, without knowing he raped Egypt, and called E a hoe, it just went left from there. E was so upset and they were in each other's face then boom, E hit her and it went down." Cadence explained.

"Jesus, we need to go check on Egypt." Bey said.

"We really do." I agreed. "Let's go check on Egypt first then talk to Azaria." I suggested.

"Alright." Bey spoke. "Cadence, just go relax, we'll handle this."

Cadence nodded and we all left out of Bey's master suite. Her and I went to Egypt's bedroom, while Cadence went to hers.

Knocking on Egypt's door, we didn't receive a response, so we opened her bedroom door. We spotted Egypt laid out on her bed on her back and just from the sight alone, I knew she wasn't sleeping.

"What the hell?" Bey mumbled.

We both rushed over to Egypt and I grabbed her head and held it up to my chest. "E! Egypt! Egypt, wake up!" I yelled, tapping her cheeks.

"Egypt! Egypt!" Bey yelled, shaking her and grabbing onto her arm. "What the hell!? What did she do!?" Bey screamed hysterically.

"Egypt! Wake up baby!" I yelled, trying to open her eyes. I seen the sclera of her eye and started panicking. I looked around and saw bottles of pills on her nightstand.

"Bey! Oh my god! Look!" I yelled, grabbing the pill bottles.

Beyoncé jumped up and moved closer to me, grabbing the bottles. "Anti-depressants! Anxiety! Doxycycline! Flagyl! What is all this!? Did she overdose!?"

"I don't know! I don't know Beyoncé!" I yelled in tears.

"We have to get her to an emergency room now! Jaden! King! Cadence! Azaria!" Bey screamed for them to help us. The kids eventually came running into Egypt's room, with their girlfriends in tow, concerned about what was going on.

"Oh my god! What happened!?" Cece rushed over to us.

"She took all these damn pills! What are these!?" I asked Cadence.

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