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Beyoncé POV

I decided to tag along and be apart of the Twins dance workshop for one more day. But today, I wanted to go all out and stay the entire session. I also wanted to talk with each child apart of the workshop just about their paths and about life. I want to share my wisdom and motivate these kids to keep going and doing what they love.

The twins and I, along with Cadence, Azaria, Egypt and Megan arrived at the studio a couple hours early before the session actually started to make sure everything was set up and ready for the kids. I also wanted to have a serious, heart to heart with the twins and go over the choreography they had in mind. Since I was apart of the session, I decided to spice things up. Sky, Lo and I would each do the same routine, but each one of us would add our own little spin and personality to it. Then we'll have the students choose which routine to learn and at the end, everyone will go in groups of three to perform the choreography, even add their own swag and steps if they want to, or the students could choose to make up their own choreography and showcase it by themselves.

Sky and Lo loved my idea and Megan and my other kids as well thought it was a good idea. I had Sky and Lo practice their specific choreo before the workshop started while I altered the original routine and added my own swagger to it and memorized the steps in my head. I'm so ready to be back in my element today in terms of performing and dancing. Nothing can mess this day up for me or the twins.

When the dance workshop started at 9am, we had everyone stretch and loosen up before I had a conversation with the students. It took up some time, but I know everyone appreciated me talking to them and interacting with them instead of me acting like a bougie stand-off celebrity.

Once the heart to heart talk with the students came to a close, we all got to work. Lo showcased her choreography first, followed by Sky and then I was last. Everyone loved all three routines, so it was difficult for the students to choose, but once everyone decided to choose what choreo to learn or come up with their own routine, we all practiced, practiced, practiced.

I loved helping the students with the steps and teaching them about dance in general. To hit the moves precisely and how to give attitude and personality through the steps. No one wants to watch a boring dancer who isn't confident. Being a dancer is not just knowing how to imitate dance steps, but to bring the steps to life and make people feel what you're dancing to. Personality is a must in dance.

After practicing for a couple of hours, we all took breaks to drink and eat something before going right back into rehearsing. When it was nearing the end of the workshop, about an hour before it was time for everyone to go home, we stopped rehearsing and got ready to perform. I made sure I had all my kids and Megan recording the performances, so they could later be posted to social media, to boost the twins.

"Alright, let's do this!" Lo announced.

"First group up is Danielle's group!" Sky announced.

Sky, Lo and I, stood in the front of the studio, watching as Danielle's group came up to the middle of the floor while everyone else, chilled in the background on the floor.

The group that was up first, used my specific routine and I was excited to see them perform it looking in from the outside. "Y'all, make me proud." I smiled, clapping my hands, ready to see them show out.

"Cue the music!" Sky yelled before my verse from Top Off blasted throughout the studio.

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