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Five Weeks Later

Beyoncé POV

Walking into my new Beverly Hills Estate that I moved into right before I went off to the Hamptons, I looked around at my decor items, from my old residence. Because I didn't have time to unpack or decorate this mansion how I wanted to, I just let the movers put all of my older furniture and items all over the house.

I quickly called my assistant, walking through the house and told her to find me a black female interior designer in the area and to book me an appointment within the next few days, seeing as though Thanksgiving was coming up; and since I just moved here, I wanted Thanksgiving dinner to be here.

I can't have my place unorganized, halfway unpacked and not decorated how I wanted it to be. My assistant told me she would find someone and call me back within the next hour or so with a scheduled appointment. I thanked her and wandered around the mansion, taking notes of what I needed done, what I wanted to add and/or sell and my vision of how I wanted my place to look.

After about an hour, I received a phone call from my assistant, telling me she found someone who was willing to do the appointment today in a couple of hours to get the ball rolling on the process. I agreed and was thrilled about the flexibility and willingness of the interior designer. Though I am Beyoncé, I know that the world does not revolve around me and I can't request a designer to stop what they're doing and take an appointment with me with no notice; so I wasn't expecting for an appointment today, but I was satisfied that it worked out that way.

Going to the living room, I took a seat on one of the couches and pulled out my phone, checking my messages and reading through my most recent emails, knowing I would have my assistant check the rest of the ones I don't get to.

I received a text from Megan, saying that she was on her way over to my estate and I responded quickly and told her that I would be in the living room whenever she arrived here.

It didn't take her long to text me that she was outside at the gate and that I had to give her the password, since my face recognition and thumb and fingerprint recognition wasn't set up yet.

Texting her the code, she was at my front door in minutes. I heard my front door slam and her loud mouth calling for me throughout the mansion.

"Living room! You'll find it eventually!" I yelled, not sure if she could hear me or not. I texted her to look around the house until she found me and when she did, she yelled my name, making me laugh.

I stood up from my couch and walked towards her as she met me halfway. "Well, hello Queen." She smiled.

"Hello, Megan." I smiled as I gracefully touched her arms and kissed her cheek.

"You look good." She spoke, grabbing my right hand and scoping out my attire.

"So do you, Ms. Pete."

"Thank you, but spin around for me." She motioned her finger in a circle and I chuckled and slowly turned around as she still held onto my hand. "It's like you age backwards, Bey. It's so crazy."

"Thank you." I smiled. "I can say the same about you."

"Ooo, you gettin' me all fuzzy inside. You tryna get some pussy?" She asked, upping an eyebrow.

I laughed and shook my head. "No. Actually, we need to talk about that. What happened in New York...."

"Yes..." She said lowly, staring into my eyes.

I placed my right hand on her cheek and held her face. "That was a freebie, but I really think we should refrain from sex. I know in New York it was all on me, but now that I'm back here in LA, we really have to work at this." I spoke, motioning between her and I. "I think we should start with counseling first to figure out all of our problems."

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