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So I did a little something ... I hope y'all like it ❤️‍🔥
Main chapter out tonight !! Enjoy this break in the story.

Me at 7, my mom at 24.

"Mom," I said putting my school bag down, "Mama where are you?"

I searched the entire house, pausing when I heard the tap running.

Going into her bathroom, I saw my mom in the tub with a bottle of pills beside her.

Ambien. My mom's bestfriend.

Sleeping pills prescribed by her doctor, against all other advice.

"I have trouble sleeping." She lied, knowing she was using it to get high.

When I sat beside her in the doctor's office, my eyes pleaded with him not to give it to her.

"How long do you sleep at night?" The doctor said looking at her.

I wanted to beg, I wanted him to see how damaged she was.

"I don't sleep at all," Mama lied, all she did was sleep.

"I'll give you something to help," He responded and it went downhill from then.

Anytime she needed to 'sleep', she would take it but it didn't work straight away. It made her mean and unbearable.

One day I was looking in the refrigerator, waiting for an imaginary pizza to show up.

My mom stumbled in, her eyes darkening when she saw me.

"I only wanted him," She said staring at me, "Now I only have you,"

I wanted to say me too, I wanted my dad but now all I had was her.

I didn't say anything, her words didn't hurt as much anymore. She continued to spew abuse at me till she grew tired and she went sleep.

The next morning she would look like someone dragged her out of her high. Her eyes were like a crazed animal, her hair a complete mess.

Her apologies flowed so easily, ones I was accustomed to hearing.

"I'm so sorry baby," She said as I gave her the breakfast I made. "I didn't mean those things,"

"I know," I lied but I knew she meant it, she always did.

Now here we are, and I'm trying to pull her out of yet another high.

"Mama," I got down beside her, "Come on, you're cold," I said taking her towel,

"I'm sorry Sinai," She said to me. Her words slurred.

"It's fine ma," I sighed lifting her out of the tub. Water dripped from both of our bodies as I struggled.

"Sit down," I instructed standing in front of her.

"I should have let him take you," Mama said laying down. Something she said everyday.

This was my dad's second week on tour and this is how everyday has been spent.

Somehow I managed to get to school but the whole day all I could think of was her. Her laying on her bed, as the world went by.

"No don't lay down," I pulled her back up. I managed to get her dry and dressed.

"What do you want to eat Ma?" I said as she sat at the dining table.

I was met with no response as usual so I decided on the most simple meal, eggs.

As I cooked I watched her stare into space, not making a move.

I kept looking over to see if she was still alive, I couldn't even hear her breathe.

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