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5 years ago

Aasad lifted his head off his desk, just as the bell rang loudly, dismissing the class.

He grabbed his book bag off the floor and proceeded to leave the classroom until his teacher stepped in front of him.

"Can I speak to you please?" She said holding a stack of papers in her hand.

"What?" Aasad answered rudely,

"I'm worried about your performance in this class Aasad, you scored less than 50% on your last test," She held up his math test.

"I'm focused on football," Aasad said nonchalantly,

"Well the principal wants to pull you out of next weeks game," She crossed her arms,

"He can't do that," Aasad fussed, "I've been practicing for that game for months," He stressed.

"Doesn't matter, you need to get these grades up," His teacher handed him the paper.

Aasad snatched it and left the classroom, storming down the hallway.

"Ay bro you good?" His friend Jace said running to catch up with him.

"Yeah, you seen my sister?" He asked stopping in his tracks,

"I think she got robotics or some shit like that," Jace answered. "You sure you cool?" He asked.

Aasad looked down at his ringing phone and nodded. "Yeah I'm good, my moms is outside, I'll catch up with you at practice," He said walking away.

Jace watched him walk away in confusion. There was obviously something wrong with him.

"Hey ma," Aasad said hopping into her Maybach.

"Hi baby, how was school?" Naala checked her surroundings before pulling off,

"Fine," He mumbled leaning against the window and shutting his eyes.

"Are you sure? You normally wait back with your sister," Naala glanced at him. "I only called to tell you I was here if you wanted to go,"

"I'm good mama," He sighed softly. Naala took that as he didn't want to talk and continued driving towards their house.

A car pulled in right behind her, to which Naala wasn't focusing all that well.

Before she could react to the car colliding with the back of her, shots started to go off, smashing through the back window.

"Get down baby," Naala shouted at Aasad who jumped in fear. She drove fast, weaving in and out of traffic.

Knowing that Aasad didn't know how to shoot a gun she had to get away fast.

"Are they trying to get to us?" Aasad asked turning back to look outside the window.

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