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a/n - do y'all like the face claims I've picked? If not, let me know ❣️


7 years ago...

Dave laid back on the couch, putting his hands behind his head.

He was finally having some quiet time. Naala had taken the kids to school and it was only him and Mekhi.

"What should we do Khi?" He looked over at him in his chair that was meant to be rocking him to sleep but he was wide awake.

The door bell rang making him stand up in confusion. No one really knew of their new home, apart from his mom.

"Your mama forgot her key?" He mumbled picking Mekhi up. He looked out of the window and saw it was Naala so he pulled the door open.

"How you already forgetting your key?" He said to her.

"My key? Right," She nodded stepping into the house.

She leaned up and kissed his lips, holding his face. Dave watched her move around the house, slipping her shoes off.

"You okay?" He raised a brow, "You're not talking," He noticed she didn't acknowledge Mekhi at all.

"I want us to have sex." She turned to him with a smile,

"We can't, Mekhi ain't even 2 weeks," Dave replied, "You sure you're feeling okay baby?" He said with a chuckle,

"Damn I forgot she just had a baby," Naleli said in anger, "Anyway, let's fuck,"

His face contorted in confusion until he realised what was going on.

"Naleli you need to get out," Dave stood back quickly, "That's real fucked up and weird,"

"So you're telling me you don't want me?" She touched his chest sensually,

"Naleli," Dave grabbed her hands and pushed her away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me," She pouted, "It's not like we've never done it before,"

"Doesn't mean we need to do it again," He responded with a sigh. Naleli moved closer and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Leli," Dave tutted trying to get her hands off,

"Stop acting as if you hate me, it's draining, I don't hate you anymore," She looked up at him.

Dave clenched his jaw and relaxed, leaving her hands and leaning against the counter.

"You know how much this would fuck with Naala? If she knew about that?" He said shaking his head.

"It was over 10 years ago, I don't think she'll care," Naleli mumbled, "And she doesn't need to know about today," She slid her hand into his pants.

"Naleli for real, stop," Dave moved her hands out of his pants. "My son's here and she gon' be back soon, how you think that's gonna look?"

"You're so boring," Naleli grumbled stepping away from him. "So it's a hard no to the sex?"

"Yeah it's a hard fucking no, I ain't that nigga I was all them years ago," He huffed walking away from her to pick Mekhi up.

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