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hi my babiesssss, another little update for you, happy sunday ❣️


"I'm so drunk," Malia pouted holding Messiah's arm tightly,

"It was that last cocktail, it tasted like straight death," Sinai coincided,

"It tasted like juice to me," Malia said swinging her arm back and forth,

"That's how you know you were drunk, the alcohol was tasting too sweet," Messiah laughed tightening his grip on her so she didn't fall.

"It's not fair," Malani snapped at Katy, "Look at how drunk they are,"

"I drank your drinks for you," He rubbed her back,

"Yeah and now you're drunk," She commented looking at his slanted eyes,

"I think that one drink wouldn't hurt Lani," Sinai said turning to her, "Right Reemy?"

"Babies gonna come out with three eyeballs and eleven toes," Kareem cackled at his own joke, all of them bussing up.

"Haha very funny," Malani said sarcastically, "Wait can we slow down I'm --"

She was cut off by a bullet whizzing past them, lodging it self in a stranger's neck.

"Oh my God," Malia jumped when the blood splattered back on them.

"Get down." Messiah pushed her to the floor, covering her body. Kareem pulled his gun out and pulled Sinai behind him,

"Katy," Malani gasped while he held his arm, the blood gushing out,

"I'm fine," He said to her, "I'm fine," He repeated when her eyes watered,

"You're not fine, you've been shot," Malani screamed loudly. Everyone ran around them as the panic was high.

She got down beside him and held his arm, "Can someone help me?" She shouted,

Kareem jumped up and ran over, looking at the wound. "There's an exit hole so that's good," He said taking his t-shirt off.

"Wrap it tightly," Sinai called from where she was hid behind a car, she knew Kareem wouldn't want her to come out.

"Are you okay?" Sinai reached out to Malia who was visibly shaken up by the incident,

Malia continued to shake under Messiah who was doing his best to calm her down.

"You're okay," He said rubbing her arm, "Everything is okay,"

"But he's hurt," Malia turned her head to look at Katy, crying when she saw the blood spilling from his arm.

"Hey look at me, not over there," Messiah turned her head to him, "It's okay, it was just a graze," He said.

On the floor, Malani was trying to console Katy but was a wreck herself.

"Stop crying baby," Katy reached up to Lani's face,

"I can't," She bit her lip, "Are you in pain?" She asked him. Kareem was stood by the side making sure anyone was around.

"I'm not in any pain," Katy lied through his teeth. His arm was burning and he felt himself growing drowsy but he didn't want to alarm her at all.

"Aight we gotta move," Kareem came over to them,

"What?" Malani asked him,

"We have to move, if there's an active shooter, they are going to take another shot," He said lifting Katy up off the ground.

Family First [Dave East FanFic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora