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- a big decision has to be made after this chapter, I don't think I'm ready ☹️

enjoy !!!



"I'm his wife," Naala followed behind the EMTs as they rolled Dave away on the stretcher,

"Ma'am we're doing everything we can," They turned to her,

"No you're not," Naala snapped, "Let me in the van right now," She put her hand on her hip.

"You better let her in," Dave moved his breathing mask.

"Put it back on," Naala pointed at him. He nodded and did just that,

"Come on," One of them helped her in. Naala sat by his head cradling it,

"I'm fine Naala," Dave wheezed,

"Stop taking it off," She fixed the oxygen mask back on his face. "Do you know if it was another stroke?" She turned to the professionals.

"No it's definitely not a stroke ma'am," The man confirmed. "I would say an arrhythmia, which is like a mini heart attack,"

"See I told you to stop stressing," Naala pouted,

"It was Malia," Dave struggled to speak.

"Stop talking," Her eyes watered as she clutched his hand.

"You're talking to me," He defended with a wheeze. Naala held the mask down on his face, tears falling down hers.

Dave put his hand in hers, rubbing it.

"I can't lose you." She sniffed, "You need to stop this,"

The ride to the hospital was painful, especially because Dave wanted to comfort his wife but he physically couldn't.

While the doctor was checking him over, Naala stepped out of the room to call Sinai.

"How is she?" She asked straight away,

"She's stable now so I'm just waiting for the doctor," Sinai answered. They were in the same hospital which helped. "How's daddy?"

"He's being a dumb ass and not letting them do anything," Naala said in frustration, "Amir lift your arm up," She said to him.

"He's a man, he doesn't like this," Sinai laughed,

"He's an old man so he needs to start liking it," Naala sighed looking back at him,

"I'm not old," Dave answered followed by a cough,

"Amir focus on what they're doing before I beat your ass," Naala said through gritted teeth,

"Well I'll look after this baby while you focus on your biggest one," Sinai replied,

"No please can we swap? He's driving me insane," Naala lowered her voice.

"Uhn uhn, we swap in an hour," Sinai giggled,

"I hate you Leilani," Naala sucked her teeth,

"You love me," Sinai dragged out making Naala smile,

"I do love you very much," Naala smiled softly before they hung up.

"Stop," She hit Dave's hand off the mask,

"See how she abuses me doc?" He turned to the doctor,

"I do not, don't say that," Naala sat back in her seat, pulling out a magazine.

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