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get your little tissues ready cuz this is a real tear jerker 🥺


Naala stared aimlessly out of the window, pulling at her skin on her thighs.

She has been doing it for so long that her skin was red raw but she didn't stop.

"Mommy," Sinai bounced into the room. Her long hair in pigtails, and her school uniform starched to perfection.

"Mommy Phat is crying," A 6 year old Sinai tapped Naala,

"Bring her to me," Naala didn't look up from the window but Sinai grimaced at the look of her thigh.

"Maybe you should stop that," Sinai lifted her hand up off her thigh.

Naala nodded, "My angel," She kissed her head. Sinai waited to see if Naala would do it again before she ran off.

"Here she is mama," Sinai struggled to carry Malia. Naala reached out to grab her.

"Hi baby," Naala mumbled kissing her small face. "You hungry?" She asked rubbing her back.

Malia fussed in Naala's arms letting out small wails,

"Why's my daughter crying?" Dave came into the room, his eyes shooting directly to Naala.

"She's hungry," Naala muttered in response, fixing Malia on her nipple.

"You feeling better?" He asked touching her shoulder,

"What does that mean?" She looked up at him,

"I asked are you feeling better? Like well enough." Dave answered looking at her red thigh.

"No Amir, I want to jump out of the window," Naala turned to him blankly. "If there was no bars on it, I would jump,"

"Why?" He stressed. "I'm doing everything I can,"

"Okay but I still want to die," Naala shrugged. Sinai stood by the door listening to them, her fingers creating marks in her palm with how tight she clenched her hands.

"We have three kids Naala, you can't die," Dave got down in front of her.

"I can't help it," Naala sniffed. "It's this things that keeps eating away at me, I need to do it,"

"No those are just intrusive thoughts. Don't listen to them," He mumbled kissing her face.

"Can you help me?" She sniffed looking at him. "I need help,"

"I'm gonna get you help, let me call the doctor," Dave said hurrying out of the room.

Sinai moved to the side to let him pass and came back into the room.

"Nai baby," Naala looked back at her,

"Yes mommy," Sinai rushed to her side,

"Can you help me with something?" Naala said in a hushed tone,

"Anything," Sinai nodded quickly,

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