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slight trigger warning 🚸🚸



"We're going to see your daddy today," Naala cooed at Mekhi as she changed his diaper. "Hopefully you'll like that," She mumbled.

"Dumb baby," Stori threw her doll onto the bed, barely missing Mekhi's head.

"Mei get out," Naala huffed lifting him up. "I've told you about throwing stuff at your brother, he's only a baby,"

Stori giggled and jumped on the bed, sitting beside Naala. She tugged Mekhi's hand harshly before blowing in his face, making him cry.

"Seriously?" Naala said standing up. "I'm sorry Papa," She rocked him, patting his back.

"Stori not sorry," She said staring at Naala,

"Stori listen to me, your brother isn't well, he's sick. You can't be mean to him," Naala frowned at her.

"Die then," Stori said with a shrug,

"Get out," Naala snapped at her trying to calm Mekhi down. Naala was more than stressed, having a sick child and then having to care for other children was hard for her.

"Hey mom," Maniya entered the room, Naala turned to her and squinted, there was something off about her.

"You okay angel?" Naala quizzed,

"I'm fine, just tired," Maniya said unenthusiastically, climbing into Naala's bed.

"Tired? You just woke up," Naala commented. Maniya had been staying with her while Mekhi was on his treatment plan, really to help with the other children.

"And I'm still tired," Maniya responded closing her eyes, "Are you taking him to the hospital?"

"No today we're seeing your dad," Naala mumbled,

"He's not my dad," Maniya responded opening her eyes. "My dad is the ground, dead because of him,"

"Can we not do this right now?" Naala pleaded,

"Yeah you're right, sorry," Maniya breathed out, "At least he's not too bad today," She gestured to Mekhi falling asleep in Naala's arms.

"He has a brain tumor Maniya, that's always bad," Naala muttered quietly. She walked into her closet looking for something to wear, all while still carrying Mekhi.

"I can hold him," Maniya offered sitting up,

"He'll only fuss," Naala replied tiredly, pulling out something that would fit. Over the last few months, she gained a tremendous amount of weight, possibly from stress.

It made her self conscious which also led to her spending less time at the prison, she didn't want Dave to see her like that.

Naala got dressed and stood in front of Maniya,

"How do I look?" She quizzed nervously,

"You look good mama, as always," Maniya said effortlessly. She had a decrease in motivation and she hated that no one saw it - that's what pushed her to do what she did.

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