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~The next day

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~The next day

I have to stop saying things can't get worse.

Because they, one-hundred percent sure, can.

When Michael went up back to the offices, he noticed a strange scent. A fucking fire.

And my baby Asher was in it, his head bleeding to death. He must be so traumatized, but I haven't had a chance to ask about his experience, since he's still unconscious.

Easton's condition is critical. Every check-up, they say something else. He's been declared dead, then he was paralyzed, and now they are just lost.

I feel bad for Dominic, too. He was finally relaxed, showing emotions to me and his brothers. This made him close up again, a permanent frown on his face.

He hasn't left Easton's side. Even now, at three am, he's asleep in a chair next to the bed Easton is laying on. I'm next to Asher's bed, keeping his hand in mine. We got a room for both of them, because it's easier for us to keep an eye at both of them in once.

Asher has a concussion. A bad one. They said he will be sensitive for light and noise the next few weeks, and he might have to go lay in a dark room when he wakes up. If the lights are too much, that is.

He also has second degree burns on his legs, but thanks to Michael that is it. Not only did he save Easton, but Asher too.

Maybe he's worth another chance.

My eyes fall closed with how tired I am, but I'm still worried sick. What if Ash is in a coma? What if Easton's body gives up?

I walk over to Dominic, crawled up in an uncomfortable chair. I kiss his cheek, kneeling next to his side. He's so scared, but he refuses to show it. 

His eyes flutter open, he looks at me through half-closed eyelids. "Any change?" Even in his voice, you can tell how drained he is. I shake my head, sitting on his lap and hugging him.

He sighs, looks at the wall. I cup his face in a loving gesture. "Dominic, we're in this together, yes? I'm here for you, you have to trust me."

A tortured noise sounds from his throat. I hug him closer, resting my head on his chest. And finally, his arms tighten around me. "I want them to wake up," he whimpers. "I want them to be okay, not this close to death."

I place a small kiss on his chest. "I want that too, sweetheart. But we'll have to wait, okay? We still have each other. Together, we'll get through this."

When I look up at him, I see the tears rolling over his cheeks, but he makes no sound. I frown and kiss them away. "Hey. Hey, Dominic. Come here. Don't even try to hide your pain for me, don't you dare."

He nods and tightens his grip on my waist. "Don't you dare leave me too," he whispers, broken. I shake my head. I keep sitting close to him, assuring him with my hugs rather than my words.

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