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~A few hours back in time

"You can help me. But I'm not learning anything if you just give me the money, right?"

Damnit. Why is she always right on things? 

I sigh. I don't like it when I have to admit I'm wrong. So I just nod, but she knows enough. I give up. 

She grins. "Alright. Now that's sorted out, go work. I'm not supposed to be a distraction here."

I smile broadly at her while I untangle. She's right once again—I do have to work—but she's just so great I wanna stay with her. "You could never be."

With her eyes smiling at me, I turn and walk to my office. If I work fast, I'm done around 1 pm, and then I can cuddle her all the time. I'd like that.

I lock my door behind me, because if she comes in I'll end up doing absolutely nothing. And we really do have to work, we can't give Father a headline.

Father, who gives me a crooked smile, standing behind my desk.

I blink. What?

Then Dominic's words from the past days come back to me. "Father wants to kill you both. Since fucking childhood." "I made a deal, but didn't keep the promise."

Fuck. I turn back to the door, planning on getting my brothers and being safe. I'm not safe without Dominic. He's way stronger than I am.

But the door is locked, and before I can unlock it, another man's face fills my eyesight. Fuck no.

"Well, Asher, nice to see you again. Belated, but I am still glad we finally got to meet again."

My breathing increases. "Wait—What is—How did you come in here?"

My heartbeat stops for a moment. Michael.

But Father tells me something else. "After your little friend got Dominic away, I decided I should kill you and Easton myself. Easton is getting taken cared of, and here you are. Right in my hands."

I hear the elevator door open, and then Michael's voice. So it wasn't him.

Then, not even a minute later, two gunshots sound. I flinch and turn back tot he door, but Father's man is blocking the way.

"Ah, that's one brother. One more to go."

No. No no no. My hands start trembling, but I need to fight him off now. I need to help Easton and get Daisy safe. He's only feet away.

I turn back to Father, my jaw gritted tight. I am fucking done with his shit. 

"Why do you want me and Easton dead so badly? We are your sons," I grunt. He rolls his eyes. "Because you're distracting Dominic. You make him weak, making him lack in my things."

I huff in astonishment. Dominic isn't weak.

"You are such a sick bastard," I hiss, inching closer to him. I'm this close to killing him. And I fucking will.

He laughs. "Took you long enough to get. Now, stop wasting my time and tell me about that little girlfriend you have there. Dominic mentioned a name . . .  Daisy?"

I blink. Dominic did what?

The surprise doesn't take long, but it's long enough for his man to smack my head in with a bat. I let out a small cry of pain, collapsing on the floor.

The world dances in front of my eyes, but it's fine. I'm fine, he just has to believe I'm not. So I close my eyes, staying still.

Father laughs again. "Unconscious in one knock. Dominic was harder to crack."

I ignore the jolt of pain in my heart at that. How far did he push my brother?

"I'm done with him. Put it on fire and I'll see you in my office for your money," he snaps at the man.

Hold on. Fire?

As soon as I hear my door close again, I open my eyes and try to adjust as quickly as possible. The man startles, a burning match in his hands. 

I manage to get up. "I'll pay you twice as much as he does if you leave."

But he's panicked and starts hitting me harder with the bat. Each hit on my head hurts more, but I have to find my gun somewhere on my fucking desk.

While he keeps beating me closer to oblivion, my hand searches the gun on my desk behind me. Where the fuck is it?

But then he smirks, twirling my gun in his hand. Oh no. I try to grab it, to steal it back, but in that moment he hits me again and I sink down the floor.

A whimper leaves my mouth. It hurts so much. The light, the noise, the pumping in my head . . . everything's so much and too much. I need it to stop.

I hear him chuckle, and it only makes me wince in pain even more. Aw, my head.

Then my door slams closed, and even though I flinch, I realize I'm safe. My body slumps on the floor. 

I close my eyes, trying to stop the dizziness. Dominic or Daisy will ask themselves why I didn't come out of my office when I heard the gunshot, and they'll come check up on me. I'll be fine.

But then a wave of nausea strikes me, and I can just clasp my hand over my mouth to avoid throwing up. I gag against my hand.

In a panic, I open my eyes to search something I can puke in. The strong lights get another pained groan out of me. I can't even look into the lights.

But something's up. There's too much light. And kind of . . . orange.

It takes some time for me to understand I'm locked in my office, left beaten up and to die in the flames. Half of one wall is filled with the orange danger.

I crawl back from it, fear crippling in. I'm in no state of escaping. If Dominic or Daisy were here, they'd have seen the flames and come get me.

But they're gone. They're probably off with Easton to the hospital, and I don't blame them. The didn't know Father'd be in my office, but . . . How will I survive this, then?

I gasp for breath. Great, I'm having a panic attack too.

Tears are pooling out of my eyes. I can't get up, I'm too dizzy and still feel like throwing up. but if I stay here, it won't end well.

I sob, making me gag right after. The noise of the fire is deafening, the light blinding me. I cry out, feeling extremely overwhelmed with all these triggers.

My body gives up. I blink a few times more, but eventually, I give up too. I never thought Father would win. 

The door opens just when I pass out, but I do hear a faint voice say, "What the fuck."

And the, nothing anymore. Only darkness. 

I hope it'll be over soon, leaving nothing but light.

Light Gathers Darkness | 18+Where stories live. Discover now