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I wake up on a floor

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I wake up on a floor.

I frown and lift my head a little, but lower it again because it burns too much.

I don't recognize this room... and I don't know why I lie next to the bed either. I must've fallen out of it with my drunk head.

I crawl back into it and am surprised about how large it is. I spread out, smiling. I could get used to such a big bed.

Then, panic takes over my mind and I sit up straight. Where am I?

As if on cue, the door opens. I startle back.

A man opens the door. The darkness of this room hides his face. I squint my eyes and focus on his features.

"Hey, butterfly. How's your head?"

It's Asher! I sigh relieved. Memories of last night flood in and my stomach clenches in shame.Oh my God, I'm never getting drunk again.

When I don't answer, he comes in and reveals his brothers behind him. I didn't know they were brothers until last night, but it actually makes sense. They look so alike but still so different.

Asher is the tallest, that I know. He sits down next to me. "How's your head?" He repeats the question without any irritation in his voice.

"It hurts a little, but better than I expected," I whisper, looking at my hand in my lap. I can't look at him, the shame is too much. What have I done?

"That's good. Are you still dizzy?" His hand finds his way on my skin and he lays it on my forehead. "You don't feel too hot."

I look down at what I'm wearing and wonder where my dress is. This isn't my shirt, it's way too large. It must be a spare, or maybe even of one of them. 

I glance at the two brothers in the doorway, also looking at me. I swallow. "How uncomfortable did I make you feel yesterday?" I whisper. I mentally slap myself. Where is that girl that called them buttheads and had such a big mouth towards them?

Asher laughs. "It's totally okay, butterfly. You're good. We did do some fun dancing," he winks and stands up from the bed, extending his hand.

I blush. I remember dancing vaguely, it wasn't normal dancing. It was more dry humping, which makes this worse. I'm so awkward, oh my God.

"Come on, kitten. Don't feel embarrassed now, nothing happened," I hear Dominic's voice say. I nod. 

Except me acting super awkward. But nothing happened. Not really.

I glance at the bed and get a smile on my face. "We can jump on the bed!" I crawl back on it and stand up, ready to jump.

Asher's face shows pure terror.

"Er. Butterfly, is that a good idea? Maybe you'll hit your head?" He's trying to take my fun. I scoff and shake my head. 

I start jumping and giggle. It's been so long since I did this, I totally love it.

The three men watch me, stunned. They're probably thinking I'm crazy.

Oh, well. No lies are told.

But then, Easton walks towards the bed. I shriek and jump a little backwards, not wanting to stop. 

But he doesn't stop me. He crawls on the bed and starts jumping with me. I squeal and grab his hand. "This is fun, right?"

He gives me a small smile, but doesn't answer. I don't think he has a tongue to talk...

Asher rolls his eyes. "Now the bed will crash." Easton stops jumping, glaring at him. I squeeze his hand. "Don't listen to him, he's no fun!"

Easton grins at me. "And here I thought I was the boring one." My eyes widen, but I hide it with a smile. So he does have a tongue.

"No, you just don't talk much. Alright," I jump from the bed, "where is the kitchen here? I'm hungry."

Dominic grins and leads me the way. I turn and walk backwards, looking at Asher. "Well, Fire, the bed is not crashed. Are you happy you ruined our fun now?"

His mouth falls a little open, making me arch an eyebrow. Easton pats his back. "Yeah, man. You ruined our fun."

I turn back to walk forwards and bump into Dominic's chest. I stumble backwards, blinking up at him. He smirks down. "I get you want to be all touchy, but that's for in the club," he winks. 

I blush. I blush?

I never blush. Oh my God.

I ignore his statement and walk into their kitchen. It's large, it's almost as if everything in this house is large. 

The windows, the tables, the beds. All big.

I walk to the counter and search for things to eat. I don't find anything. I turn to see them with their gaze a little too low, which quickly bounces up to my face. They stand up straighter, as if I didn't just catch them staring at my ass.

This shirt is too short. I pull it down more, but I can't make it any longer.

"Where's your food?" I ask. Dominic walks past me and opens a closet above my head. I sigh. "I could never get up there."

He smirks and grips my waist, then lifts me in the air. I shriek. Wowza, he's strong.

I take the box of cereals and the coffee powder, then I nod he can set me down again. He does it awfully slow, almost as if he enjoys me in his arms.

When he sets me down, I walk to the refrigerator. I frown. No milk.

"Do y'all hate milk?" They chuckle and shake their heads. "We just don't use it much, butterfly. So why letting it rot away?" Asher shrugs.

"You should use it more often. Somewhere in... I don't know... coffee?"

They rolls their eyes and sit down. "Not this again."

I slam the fridge closed. "Yes, this again. You are monsters, each one. No one in this world drinks black coffee. No one. So stop trying to be unique and give your defeat. I'm positive you don't even like it, just pretend to."

Dominic leans back. "And why would we do that, hm?" I sit down between them, glaring them and eating my dry cereals.

"Because you have no emotions. You just like to see me suffer."

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