The First Shall Be Last

Start from the beginning

"The camp's up this way. C'mon." Charles says and the four of them silently push up to the camp where Sean is held.

Javier instructs Charles to go right while he goes left with Jesse.

"Let's take these sons of bitches!" Jesse shouts as they all shoot up the place. Making sure to keep an eye on Sean of course.

They shoot up the place, while having a few comments here and there.

"How much is Sean's bounty?" Arthur wonders.

"Maybe we should turn him in ourselves." Charles suggested.

"That ain't a bad idea!" Jesse added.

"There's still time." Arthur continues.

They keep shooting up the place, killing any Skelding Boy in sight. Jesse manages to get close enough to Sean. He takes out his tomahawk and throws is perfectly at Sean's rope.

Just then, more of the bounty hunters turn up and they didn't even have time to reload but they manage to do so anyway. Sean's just... Trying to untie himself. The rest of the men shoot up the hunters until no man is left standing. Then they approach Sean.

Arthur cuts the rope on Sean's leg and the younger man starts to speak.

"You know, you're a lot less ugly from that other angle Arthur." Sean comments Arthur just grunts.

"Don't worry Sean, you're ugly in every angle." Jesse laughs as he pulls Sean to stand up.

"You're just lucky you have a pretty face, Jesse." Sean says.

"I sure am." Jesse replies.

Sean then turns to Arthur. "Do I get a hug Arthur? A warm embrace for a lost brother, now found." he says as Arthur laughs and turns to him and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"You know? Nothing means more to me than this gang. The bond we share. It's the most real thing to me. I would kill for it, I would happily die for it." He says and the rest of the men agrees. "But in spite of all that, I would've easily left you here to rot if Charles hadn't stopped me." He finishes and Sean laughs, not believing a word he said.

"You're a great man, Arthur Morgan. The kind a young whippersnaooer can really admire." Sean continues.

"Oh shut up. Right, we should split up. Javier will you escort Mr. Macguire back to camp. Charles it's best you ride separately, you too Jesse, make sure you ain't followed." Arthur instructed the rest of the members and they obliged. "Be careful there's patrols everywhere."

"What you gonna do?" Jesse asks.

"I'm gonna see what's worth taking here, I'll meet you back there as soon as I can." Arthur says.

Jesse calls for his horse then mounts it. Seans starts with his story telling and Javier is not amused.

"See you back at camp Morgan." Jesse says, he tips his hat then snaps the reigns of his horse and goes the opposite direction from the others.

He rides up towards Strawberry. He enters the little town and made his way to the General Store, he hitches his horse to the side and feeds him for a moment. Jesse noticed a small window from unter the general store, he looks in and sees that there is an illegal side business being done by the Shopkeeper. He chuckles to himself and made his way inside the store.

The shopkeeper greets him as he looks around the store, acting interested in the shelves. Once he makes it to the counter, he opens the catalogs and leans on the table, taking his pistol out of his holster and pointing at the man.

"Whatchu got underground boy? Looks like something worth takin'." Jesse said.

"Ain't n-nothing u-under there." The shopkeeper denied.

"You really wanna play this game friend? The way I see it you can die now and I'll find out either way or you show me yourself and you can continue whatever business you have on the side." Jesse negotiates.

The shopkeeper whimpers as he opens his trapdoor behind the counter. Jesse follows still having the pistol aimed on the man's head as he lowers himself downstairs.

"A-ain't nothing much here." The shopkeeper says.

"I'll be the judge of that friend." Jesse replies. "Now, where's the money?"

"Please, Mister. It ain't even much."

Jesse gets annoyed and directly points the gun on the man's head "You really wanna test my patience friend?" he sees the man whimper and continues "Now... Where's the money?"

"It's at the end there, there's a loose brick, it's all I got, I swe-" he gets cut off by the butt of the pistol and he passes out.

"So much for a small business..." Jesse comments and made his way to the end and takes the money.

He climbs up the ladder and takes the money from the cashier as well. He took some food too. He gets out, mount his horse and made his way back to camp like nothing happened.

Once at camp, Dutch said to have a small party for having Sean back.

"Jesse! My boy! Good job getting Sean back!" Dutch says right after Jesse dismounts.

"Sure Dutch, It's fun to have the annoying Irish Bastard again."

"Sure is. Anyway, Have fun tonight, we're celebrating." Dutch says and makes his way to his tent with Ms. O'shea.

Jesse just nods and made his way to the donation box to give some money and some items.

The rest of the night was just singing, dancing and drinking from the gang. Some funny stories from Sean. Jesse even teases Karen for Sean's return.

"I bet, you're bursting with excitement right now Ms. Jones." Jesse commented.

"I aiN't." Karen replies while sluring her words.

"Sure." He replies sarcastically.

Later in the night, he see her sitting on Sean's laps. Laughs at her for even denying... He even hears them... In John and Abigail's tent... Doing, yes.

"My Lord, good luck Abigail." Jesse says and walks away. He spots Jack following him.

"Uncle Jesse!"

"Yes kid?" Jesse says as he sits down on one of the chairs to level with Jack.

"Are you mad at me?" Jack asks him.

Jesse's brows furrow in confusion. "What? No? What made you think that, Little man?" he asks the boy.

"It's just, you've been ignoring me..."

"Oh no boy. Uncle Jesse's just been busy is all. I'll never be able to get mad at you okay?" then he leans towards the boy "And between the two of us... I think your pa is kinda jealous that we hang out together more than you with him."

"But he doesn't even play with me..."

"I know kid, you just gotta give him time. He loves you. He don't know how to show it but he does." Jacks nods he then sees Abigail approach them. "It's getting late now boy, go to your mama." Jesse says and Jack follows. Jesse waves to Abigal goodnight and makes his way to his tent to rest for the night. Not having the energy to continue the party.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now