She Went Insane

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true story

This happened to my best friend, Sophia. She told me to tell her story if anything ever happened to her.

One night Sophia was out with her boyfriend. Oh how she loved him and believed he was the one. They went out to the movies and took a midnight stroll and out of nowhere some guy started following them. At first she thought it was nothing, then she started getting scared.

She didn't know why, but she just felt as if something bad was going to happen. All of a sudden everything went black. When she woke up, it was dark and she was confused, but she didn't know what was going on. Finally her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she realized she was in her room.

She thought to herself, "Weird I don't remember coming inside". She then went back to sleep. When she awoke in the morning she looked down and saw that all her clothes were bloody.

She screamed and ran to her mom and dad's room to find them dead. There bodies were dismembered and didn't even look like her parents. She was so scared she couldn't even scream at first.

Eventually she fell to her knees screaming and crying and she ran to her sister room to find her the same way as her parents. She was still in shock and all she could do was cry.

She fell to the ground and stayed there for a week until someone tried looking for her and her family. The police finally broke down their door and searched the bottom floor and no one was there. Then they went to the top floor and looked in Sophia's room. No one was there and they went to the parent's room and saw the bloody mess.

They looked around to see if anyone was still there and finally they came to her sister's room where Sophia was lying on the floor next to her dismembered, bloody sister.

They instantly arrested her. She told them that she has no idea what happened. She told them that when she woke up, she found her parents dead. She knew she could not have done this as she loved her family and they loved her.

After the police reviewed the case she was the only possible suspect and they thought she just might be crazy. So they put her in a mental home that though it was for the best, but it wasn't.

I would visit her and she would tell me about a guy who would stand outside her window everyday. She said she knew it's him and one day she hung herself and ended it all.

Till this day I never knew why, but I know it had something to do with that guy...

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