Dr. Wimpees Barn

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True Freaking Story


Just so you know this was a very scary experience that happened to me while I was out at a ranch in Texas. It happened when I was 12 and I was invited there by my friend Ashley.

We spent the day fishing at a lake and then we went back to a house we were staying the night at. It was just me, Ashley and her family.

Earlier in the day we all picked what rooms we were staying in. At the beginning Ashley's mom and little sister were going to share the master bedroom and me and Ashley were going to stay in the room that belonged to the owner's daughter.

It was beautiful during the day but at night it was pretty eerie. One of the reasons was that it was the only house in the area. Well Ashley's mom came up to Ashley and I and asked if we wanted to switch rooms. Of course we said yes because the master bedroom had a big TV and a bathroom that attached to it.

We brought our stuff into the room and found out why her mom wanted to switch with us. It has these 2 huge windows that opened like doors except they didn't have curtains on them and they didn't lock which meant someone could get in. Then there was a door that was solid and you couldn't see in but it didn't lock which meant again easy access for anyone.

It was about 11:15 P.M when Ashley's dad asked us if we wanted to go with him out to the lake and check the fishing lines. We wanted a little adventure so we agreed. Well on the way back to the house Ashley's dad asked us if we wanted to go into the barn. We said no because it was about midnight and we only had one flashlight and we were sure her dad was going to try and scare us. But we went anyway because we didn't want to stay outside alone while her dad went in.

We climbed the stairs to the 2nd floor and me and Ashley got freaked out because all three of us were on the 2nd floor when we heard the chains clinking on the bottom floor. We said we wanted to leave. But Ashley's dad said one of us would have to go down first. Ashley was so scared and said no so I went. But the irony is on the way down the flashlight died and we still heard the noises. So I was down there all alone because Ashley was still to scared to come down.

"BANG!!" something behind me crashed to the floor and I got super freaked. I wanted to run out but I couldn't get the doors open and Ashley still couldn't find the courage to come down. Suddenly something knocked the breath out of me. I was really freaked out now. I sat down in the corner trying to catch my breath. Finally everyone came down and we were on our way out but Ashley's dad couldn't open the door. Ashley really wanted to get out so she tried. Finally I screamed stop because I knew something paranormal was in there.

Suddenly the door opened by itself and we ran to the car. When I looked back I swear I saw a horse with red eyes staring right at me. We got back to the house and me and Ashley just went straight to sleep.

I have never been to another ranch since then, needless to say.



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