Ghost In The Shower

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My school has been open since 1931, and since the first day I walked in, there had been rumors about ghosts. I didn't believe one word of it, but what does anyone care? Anyway, one day in the P.E locker rooms, we were all dressing back into our school clothes when I heard a scream coming from the showers. I ran over there and one of my friends was shivering and shaking. She said that she had seen a ghost inside the shower that was always dripping water.

I thought that this was my perfect chance to prove everyone wrong. I took my camera out of my purse and told everyone to gather around. I was going to take a picture of the inside of the shower. Everyone started saying "Don't do it!" and "You're crazy!" I told them all to hush and I stepped into the shower. I took the picture, went back over to the terrified crowd of kids, and waited for the picture to pop up on my camera.

What we saw would haunt us forever. In the middle of the shower, right below the shower head, was a floating head with sockets where it's eyes were supposed to be. No way could we explain it. No one in my class ever took a shower in there again.



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