My Haunted House

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Okay...this is how it all went down.
There are 5 of the stories I have.
There might be other explanations for these but me and my friends are convinced.

#1)I was in my parents room watching television when I looked at their bed. Their bed has 2 drawers one on each side. I looked at them for a while. While I was looking at them they all of a sudden, outta no where the drawers swung open.

#2)Okay...we had this old radio that my grandmother gave me. It was on of those radios that had a record player on the top. You'd be in the house all by yourself and the radio would come on outta no where. It wasnt any of the stations I had put it on like 94.5 or 101.1. It was an old 50s station. My grandma had loved 50s music and loved evils. Every time the radio would come on it would be a 50s station. Think what you want but it happened. I was there.

#3) My mother told me this story but it does seem to fit the category of creepy. My brother was born after my aunt died. She never got to se him. After we had come back from the funeral. Back to our another city. I was little and my brother was a baby. My mom was home by herself and the little music thing over the crpb was off. My mom was cleaning dishes and thinking about all that had happened. Then all of a sudden she had heard the music thingy. It was brand new. Therefore it couldnt have been a short.

#4) of my birthday partys I had a slumber party. The next day when we woke up the front door was open. No one was up but me and another friend. We didnt open it and neither did my parents cuz they were sleeping.

#5)One night me and my friend were going to sleep. I have this touch lamp. It will not turn on unless someone touches it. Not a thing a person. It has to me skin. There was no one else in the room but me and my friend again we were the 1st to wake up and the lamp was on. We asked my parents and they were startled.



Want Horror?I'll give you Fear.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें