Give us a Sign

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True Story

This is a true story that happened to my friend a few years ago. If you think it's one of those made up stories, guess again. This is a true story.

There were four guys and I'll keep their names anonymous. They were playing the ouija board at one of the guy's house. At first they asked it a simple question,"If you're really here than show us something, give us a sign." Then all of a sudden, "Ring...Ring...Ring" the house phone starts to ring. The owner of the house leaves the room and answers the phone, but all he heard was a silent breath (it's like when you know someones on the other end but they're not talking) so they all ask each other to pull out their cell phones to see if anyone was trying to be funny. However, none of there phones were in use or had been used to call the house phone.

So they continue on and this time they start taunting the ouija board. "If you're really here give us a better sign!" they said. Then once again "Ring...Ring...Ring." By this time they were pretty much starting to freak out. So the owner goes to the phone once again and just like before its quiet. He comes back and tells the rest of the guys that this is starting to get boring.

So they ask the ouija board one more time,"If you think that was a sign then we are not believing it, show us a better sign!" Then all of a sudden "Knock...Knock...Knock" They all freak out and look at each other. They all tell each other to get the door and finally the owner of the house decides to open it with the rest of the guys behind him. He walks up to the door and opens it.

They all see an old bum with dirty ripped clothes and a dirty looking face standing outside. They start to stare at him and then all of a sudden he looks up and yells, "DO YOU BELIEVE ME NOW?!" and runs off.

I almost forgot to mention that the owner of the apartment lived in a gated community with security, so there was possibly no way this bum could have walked in.



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