School's Haunted Gym

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True Story



I was in grade 6 when this all happened, and it was VERY disturbing. Me and 2 of my friends were doing our hall monitor job at the primary doors on our lunch recess break. Right by the doors there is another door that leads to our gym. Every single light was turned off, so obviously it was pitch black. We decided that it would be fun to all go up there one by one and walk around, it was a really bad idea.... So first, Sara went up and we didn't hear anything, so I went up to check if she was okay. She was. Then we both heard a chopping noise, and her hand was resting on a table. We both ran out as quick as we could. After when we went to check, there were chop marks on the table, like someone was trying to cut her arm off with an axe.

Next, it was my turn. So I went up and stood in the middle of the stage. I heard whispers calling my name so I was getting freaked out. Then i was a dark figure standing in the center of the gym floor. it had red eyes and I couldn't really make out what it was wearing. I went down the stairs to the gym floor to see what the figure was (you can't see the gym floor from the stage) and when I got down there it was gone. Then I heard a teacher come in so i hid behind the High Jump mats beside a bench. Then the mats started separating, like someone was moving throught them.... and someone, NO, something was! So I couldn't move till the teacher left or I would get fired from my job. Finally she left and I ran out of the gym as fast as I could.

Then my friend Ryan went up, I didn't want him to go alone because I knew something bad would happen. So I went back up woth him. This time we both saw the figure and I froze up. He ran towards the curtains and I ran back down into the hallway. i was standing on the stairs watching Ryan and I saw him struggling at the curtains and then I noticed that he was being pulled into them. He pulled himself loose and he ran back down to where I was.

We decided that nobody was going to go back up there that day because it was too dangerous. So we continued opening doors for little kids and Ryan decided to go upstairs and he came back down, scared out of his wits. I asked him what was wrong and he said he heard an announcement with a girl screaming. Coincidentally I heard it too, but nobody else did.


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