Corrupted File: 203

79 1 0

Every now and then you find a corrupted file in your computer and you think nothing of it. You either delete it or re-install it, but I had this specific file that wouldn't let me do either. It would just sit there.

One evening I had gotten a Anti-Virus program to help me clean my computer; however, the program crashed. Of course I thought nothing of this, since it is a rare yet known error. I tried to open

it a second time but every single word was misspelled. Still under the impression that this was simply a virus trying to kill my computer, I ran the program anyway.

Next thing I knew my computer shut down. Quite upset at this time I tried to restart my computer. Every time the screen would light up a bright blue before shutting down again. I lost my temper and slammed my fists down on the computer.The computer started up with a whirl and I seemed happy with myself. The blue light shinned only to stay on the screen with the cursor blinking in the corner.

In anger I hit the screen. White letters started to type across the screen. "Stop hitting me" At first I felt taken aback by the words, but the feeling passed quickly I thought 'Gabe' My brother had done it. He knew that I often hit my computer in rage fits. I waited patiently for the words to fade away but they never did. The screen didn't load either. I pressed the power button in an attempt to shut the computer down again.

Instead of shutting off, the computer shocked me. White words filled the

screen, "You need to stop hurting me". By this time I was terrified. I unplugged the laptop and slammed the lid closed. The next day I awoke to find my laptop open and neatly placed on my desk. It was plugged in and showing my Batman Arkham Villain background.

Thinking it was only a dream I went over to check Facebook before catching a quick shower and going in to work for the day. My mouse was unresponsive so I placed it aside thinking it would need a new battery. As I used the tiny mouse pad on the laptop I watched it quiver in the upper left hand corner before opening Facebook and checking my messages. After a few minutes I left to shower.

When I came back I noticed my status had been updated with "I ABUSE MY COMPUTER!" My stomach turned at the sight. The time it said it was updated was when I was in the shower. Maybe there was a person in my house? Everyone else was either at work or at school.

I called the police. Once they had a good look they told me that there was no one in the house. That left one other possibility. Someone had hacked my computer. "Haha very funny", I yelled. "I'm changing my password since I got hacked". My finger hit enter as I realized I was late for work. Staring at the screen I logged out of Facebook and closed my Laptop, unplugging it for good measure.

01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000

01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101000

01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000

01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000

01111001 01101111 01110101 greeted my eyes when I came home. My laptop was open and on a blue screen. After biting my fingers I slammed the lid closed. Throwing the laptop in the dumpster I figured everything was over. Boy was wrong....



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