So Weird

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true story

this isn't one of those stories with the babysitter, monsters, murderers, or something stupid like that. this is completely 110% true, and if u don't believe it, whatever. I thought it was creepy. Okay, so...

My mom and I were watching a movie in my room at about 11 pm. we heard this beeping noise and we had no idea what it was, so... being the brave mom she is, she tried to find out what it was and searched all around inside the house and even outside. she came back in, but still had no idea what the beeping noise was.

My mom came back upstairs and it stopped just as she was passing my older sisters room. she knocked on the door, but there was no answer. she tried to open it, but someone (or something) had slid the nightstand from across the room in front of the door.

she started yelling for my sister but she didn't answer. Little did she know, my sister was in the shower. she woke up my dad, and told him she thought there was someone in her room. he finally pushed the nightstand over and opened the door. we saw that the window was open, so we sent my dog in to sniff around. she stopped at the closet door. My dad swung open the doors but we found nothing.

Thinking about this incident still creeps me out. Many other strange things have happened around my house...but this by far is the scariest. We still don't no who or what moved the table in front of the door.



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