Haunted Beach House

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wow True Story


One day in 1978 a lady was riding a jet ski on the ocean by the ice cream shop that a guy named Gordy owned. The next day Gordy went on the beach to look around at the big storm that had accured that night. He saw a lady laying on the beach he went over to see if she was ok. She was wearing sunglasses so he took them off. To his amazement the lady had no EYEs!!! Gordy said that the lady must have drown.

About 22 years later my dad took the bath house from him. So now we believe that the lady haunts our bath house because we always hear strange noises at night, and locks all the bathroom stall when my dad goes to clean it at night. We will also go down there at night and the lights will flicker and the toilets will start randomly flushing. One night me and my friend Olivia went down stairs and saw like a shadow figure. During the winter my dad locks everything up and shuts all of the lights off. This summer when he came to the beach all of the lights were on, and all the doors were open!!! The showers drip as if someone was in there turning them on! In the middle of the night we always hear booms.The other night me and my friend Kelly were playing ojie board game and we asked the question "are you harmful?" then the board game pushed the piece straight across the board to "goodbye!!". We don't know what is in store for us for the rest of the years we own this place, but it will be quit the adventure!!

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