Leah Doll

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One day a girl named Mira and her mom went to a toy shop to find something for Mira on her 9th birthday. Mira saw this really cute doll wearing a dress. She asked her mom and her mom said yes and so they bought it. Mira named her doll Leah because she liked that name a lot.

When they got home Mira threw Leah on the bed and went downstairs to get something to eat. When she came back up into her room she noticed something strange. Leah was gone. Then she looked around the room and noticed that Leah was in another corner of the room.

So Mira walked downstairs and asked her mom if she had moved Leah while she was in the kitchen. Her mom said, Sweetie I didn't even touch her. So Mira went upstairs and found that Leah was back on the bed. As she walked closer she noticed Leah had a look on her face that was pure evil. And all the sudden Leah got up and started walking toward Mira.

Mira screamed and said "What do you want from me?". Leah smiled evilly and said ,"I want you to suffer, just like me!" Mira started crying and went downstairs and burned the doll and buried her in her backyard.

She went to go tell her mom. As soon as she told her mom her mom's face turned pale. She told her that she had a doll named Leah when she was little, that always scared her and did bad things to her. So she buried her in her backyard and now she must have come back. After that, Mira still sometimes saw the doll running around in her backyard, especially at night.



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