Mitternatch (midnight)

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One late night, Charlotte stayed up WAY to late. Her parents were away on business and left her home alone. She always disrespected her parents and stayed up far too late. But this night was different. It was strangely dark. She had no idea what she was in for...

Charlotte didn't want to sleep.. She was only twelve and was supposed to be in bed at nine. She watched the clock as it went from nine to ten, ten to eleven, eleven to eleven thirty. She went upstairs to her room to get her cellphone and call her friends. Then she heard a voice. It was the voice of a man whispering. At first it was just mumbling. It sort of sounded like "mitternacht", the German word for "midnight". "What?" she thought.

She thought it may have been the TV downstairs or something. She went downstairs and turned off the TV. She went back to her room. There it was again. "MITTERNACHT" it was clearer now. She searched her entire house and no one was there. She was scared now. She ran to her room and everywhere, on the walls, on the mirror, on everything, the word "MITTERNACHT" was written with blood. Charlotte screamed.

Then she heard the voice. It was quite loud now. "UM MITTERNACHT!! (At midnight)" it said. She looked at the clock. It was 11:45. She started running around the house. She checked every door. They were all locked somehow. She tried to run away but she couldn't open the doors. She found drops of blood on her floor. Nothing could have been bleeding as she had no pets and no one besides her was in the house. She ran to her room to get her phone and call the police but when she got upstairs she heard the clock strike 12:00. Less than a minute after that, she ran into her room and saw something horrifying. It was a man with shadows for eyes and long silver hair and sharp fangs kneeling in a deep pool of blood on the floor in her room. The person then screamed quot;MITTERNACHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" it came towards her and she was never seen again.

Her parents came home late and the police were there already. They had ruled her death a suicide since no one could have possibly gotten into the house because of its high-tech security system. The police had come directly after they heard her scream since they happened to be on her street when it happened.

I'd be warned if I were you, because later that year, the same thing happened to other young people who tended to stay up too late.



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