Beauty Is Pricey

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True Story


I walked along the long corridor with my sister, Angelina. She was perfect in every way. She had beautiful hair, was captain of the cheer leading team and she was popular. She had registered for a model position, and was going to go "try out" for it in about a week.

"Stacy," my sister said, as she traced her fingers over the pictures on the wall, "I hope I get the modeling job." I smiled at her. She deserved it.

Finally, Old Woman Alice walked up to us with her cane in hand. She pointed a bony finger at my sister's face, then a woman's picture on the wall. She looked a little like Angie. "Beauty like that is pricey, girl. I'll make you look like her, for $200." Angie forked over the money, without hesitation.

"Alright. Your little friend has to go home." I didn't fight it. I left, and my sister got home around 10 pm. "So what happened?" I asked.

"She just drew my face, and my eyes" then Mom walked up. She stared at my sister for a second, then walked off, shaking her head. "That was weird..." Angie said.

Angie continued to go to Old Woman Alice for the next week. Finally, Alice had finished drawing her picture. She put it up on her huge white walls. "What did that solve?" I had asked her time and time again whenever I talked to Angie that Thursday night.

The next day, I woke up to my sister standing over my bed. Once we got the jeebies that she had scared out of me back, she told me that she thought she looked different. She did! I went back to Alice the next day, and looked at Angie's picture on the wall. It was beautiful. Just like her.

"Alice?!? What did you do to Angie?", I screamed. Alice simply said, "Beauty is pricey, and soon beauty fades."

It did. On Saturday Angie had pale skin, almost translucent. By Sunday, we could see her blood move through her body. On Monday we couldn't see her hands. By Friday, she had disappeared altogether. My sister was gone!

She was pretty. They all were. Angie was the 20th girl I worked with. She needed to know beauty fades.

Beauty Expert,



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