I Know What happen

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true story


My aunt passed away in January of this year. My mum had called her cell phone and my other aunt answered the phone saying she found my aunt dead. My mum hung up and came running to my room as I was coming out of the bathroom. She was screaming "Oh my god! Tina's dead! Aunt Tina's dead!"
I screamed "What?" and broke into tears. My aunt and I were really close, she was the only one in my family who understood my psychic abilities, not to mention her birthday was just the day before mine.

When she died there was a man in her house, a friend of hers. Now he did nothing when she died, and he was not punished. It affected me so much when she died, and I still hurt because of it. The night I found out she passed away, I lay in my bed and I looked up at the window and asked her to watch over me. I felt someone sit next to me and a cold hand stroked my hair. I could tell it was her. My mum even saw her too.

We were driving home one night and my mum smelled cookie dough and other snacks and I smelled baked potatoes, my aunt's favorite snacks. She was there, I could sense it.

I was taking a shower one night and when I got out and dressed I started crying because I missed her so much, I felt someone behind me hug me tightly and I could hear her voice whisper it was alright.

One night I couldn't sleep and I heard voices in my living room. It sounded like a very angry man and a woman, my aunt. Every time I walked out in the living room the voices would fade but when I would go back in the hallway close to my room they would start up again. The voice that sounded like my aunt was crying and the man's voice was angry and yelling "Why don't you die!?" I started to understand what was going on. My aunt believed in spirits and the supernatural, so she came back and wanted me to know what went on the night she died. I stayed up most of the night listening to the voices and the argument they were having.

I talk to her all the time now. Even if she can't answer me, I still talk with her. I miss my aunt a whole lot, but I know she's right here with me, right now. I won't ever forget her, I will never. Rest in peace, Aunt Tina.



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