Smiling Zoey

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After school, Jenna ran to her house. her father wad still at work and her older sister went to the mall, so Jenna was home alone. Jenna decided to watch TV. she was flipping through channels and started tot watch a show her father always watched.
Its about a very big family living
In a big house. it's a comedy, "this doesn't look bad. oh well". Jenna said.
She watched the show. she watched the family do silly things and tell silly jokes along with the laughter of the studio audience. all of a sudden the screen went black.
Jenna blinked and a girl with braided pigtails appear on the screen. the girl smiled. she looked right at jenna.
"What the heck"? Jenna thought. she laughed a little, but stooped. the girl's smile went wider. Jenna started freaking out.
The girl tilts her head, her smile now showing teeth. her eyes grew wider.
Jenna tried to change the channel, but no matter what button she pressed on the remote, the channel didn't change.
The girl's smile grew wicked. blood leaked out her mouth and eyes scary music started playing. "what the heck is this!", Jenna said. Suddenly she saw a trail of blood on the wall above the TV. The trail of blood formed a Z. and an O. and an E. and a Y. ZOEY is spelled on the wall in blood.
Jenna panicked. the girl no longer have eyes, but two bloody eye socket. with that same bloody smile. blood leaked out of the TV screen. Jenna screamed and ran to her room. She stayed silent in her room fir five minutes.
Everything was quite. no scary music, nothing unusual. just the sound of a comedy show. she walked back into the living room, noticing the comedy show was back on. there was no "ZOEY" drawn on the wall. no blood. no scary smiling bloody girl. just a silly family on the screen.
Jenna decided to turn off the TV.
Was I dreaming. Jenna thought. she walked back to her room. then she saw the smiling bloody girl in her window. Jenna screamed.
The girl wrote "Zoey" in blood with her finger on the window. Zoey's smile was freakishly big. the corners of her mouth extended up to her eye socket.
Jenna suddenly felt the corner of her mouth curve. her eyes are still full of terror.
Jenna collapsed and died smiling.

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