Playing with the devil!!!

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true story


Every night this boy would crack bad jokes about the devil. He did this for months and the devil became angry. So then one dark rainy night the devil decided to get revenge on him.

His sister went to go wake him up but when she got to his room ........
he had a lot of scratches on his face and was dead..
His family moved out of that house soon afterward because they suspected that the house was haunted.

After they moved out, a family of four moved into the house. The house was OK until four days after they had moved there. The two children would tell their parents that they would see this young boy walking down the hallways in their new house. The parents would ignore what the children told them.

In one of the boys rooms, one child found the jokes of the boy who died there and he started to tell them also. Strange things started to happen to his family soon afterward. The doors opened and closed by themselves and things started to go missing.

Then one dark night the parents heard some screaming coming from their son's room. When they got there, they found their son laying in his own blood. They saw deep cuts and scratching on their son's neck. Some days after this he died. So watch out and don't go mocking the devil as he might get you to!!!!!!



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