The Barn

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-True story


Well,my friend told me this story on the bus ride to school a
few days ago. She said her grandpa told her and that it was a
true story but I am not sure if it is I just wanted to share it cuz
it scared the CRAP out of me. I still THINK I hear crawling
and scraching on the floor in the hallways of my house

OK so this lady lived close to a barn and behind that barn
were woods.She had a daughter that lived with her and she
told her to never go into the woods. One day her daughter
was bored and curious about the woods so she went through
the backdoors of the barn and started walking toward them.

Then she saw these 2 men. When they saw her they started
beating her up because she wasn't supposed to go there and
dragged her deeper in the woods. Her head was facing the
ground so her face was getting cut up really bad by the rocks
beneath her and cut it so much that the sharp rocks wore her
nose down. The men finally stopped and tied her legs
together. They hung her from legs on pieces of wood that
were nailed together standing up. Since she was upside
down, all of the blood was flowing to her head and and her
face was ALL covered in blood because of the slashes from
the rocks.

The men had left real quick and she was still
screaming. When they came back she was gone. The only
things left of her were her legs from her waist down. The men
started to walk towards the back of the barn again and heard
screaming. They saw something crawling really fast that they
couldn't even see what it was, it look like a blur. It was a
human but it had no legs,it was the rest of the girl. She pulled
off their legs and kept them in the barn.

Years after that a little boy heard the stories of the barn and the girl but he didn't believe them, so he decided to go through the barn. He
went inside and there was blood everywhere, legs were
scattered all over the barn. The boy was scared and he
heard screaming. They were screaming for help and when he
turned around he saw an arm stuck under things reaching for
him. When he tried to grab it the girl jumped out and he ran

He tripped and fell so as she was crawling she
grabbed his legs and started pulling. He survived and to this
day he passes on the story, but he has to live the rest of his
life without legs.



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