A Family Assurance

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true story


My name is Ashley. I live in San Diego, California. This is my story.

I was only in the first grade when my grandfather died. Then in the third grade my cousin's were involved in a terrible car accident. My cousin Melissa was driving her brothers home from Burger King. She turned at a green light, when out of nowhere, a Mercades came racing up and slammed into her car.

Two of my cousin's were fine. Jermey suffered from brain trama but lived. Melissa only had a few broken bones. But Jay died from his injuries. I lost my best friend, as Jay and I were close.

Weeks later, after the accident, I was mopeing around the house, refusing to be my normal happy self. I felt sick so I desided to take a shower. When I got out, my parents had left to go shopping. I was all by myself. I was walking toward my room when I heard rustling coming from my sister's room. I took a peek inside and saw nothing, but I kept hearing it.

My sister has an attic door in her bedroom so I decided to check the attic stairs. On the very top I saw three shadowy figures. Two were standing, fighting. The other one was sitting, crying. I was terrified so I took a step backwards. The heel of my foot broke a mirror that my younger sister had left laying around. Allthough it broke silently, it punctured my skin and I was bleeding. I automatically shouted 'Oww! Shit man!' Then all the figures turned to me.

The one figure had a dark red cape on with an evil look. The other two figures appeared to be my grandfather and cousin Jay. I ran downstairs and shut my sister's door. I was terrified but nothing else happened.

While I tried to sleep that night, I kept hearing the rustling, in the attic. My Basenji (Barkless dog) ,Dayme, started to scream and yodel since she can't bark. I hid under my covers when my door slowly opened. Dayme went berserk, then finally settled under the covers with me. Then I felt something sit beside me and give me a hug. I screamed and started to punch and kick until my mom came into my room.

I still think about that day and sometimes hear the rustling coming from upstairs in the attic.



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