The woods

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My cousin and i took my little cousin Chris when he was 11 years old, to the woods. we told him we were going to play flash tag in the woods. just to mess with him we told him that the woods were haunted. of course he agreed to come.
We all went out into the dark with flash lights. then my cousin devonte said that he was it and we all walked off to hide. Chris looked kind of scared. then we all split up. the plan wad that the three of us ( me, aron and devonte) would meet at the old abandoned shed near the old crinkled tree, that was bent over so that it looked like a old man leaning over to take a piss. when we all met up we went back to the trailer. the rest is what Chris told us.
Chris said that while he was out there he heard chanting of some kind he knew that it couldn't have been us because it didn't even sound like us. Chris's heart began to race. he heard someone circling around him. then Chris said that a man came out and looked at him, and asked him what he was doing out there in his woods. this was strange because these woods belonged to our uncle. the man threatened him to never come back again. Chris jumped to his feet and ran to find us. he said he grew tired and soon fell asleep by a old log.
Then he said when he woke up the man was beside him again. the man's face grew angry and he started to yell at Chris. which seemed to echo then the man started to throw spears and rocks at him. later when Chris found us at the house he explained what happened.
We didn't believe him but he dragged us to the woods and he showed us. we did actually find a spear in the ground, but still we didn't really ever believe all his story.
- short story

- Clarisse47

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