Long Purple Fingernails

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this gave me chills


On Sarah's 10th birthday, all she wanted from her family was a doll. She begged and begged for it until her parents finally decided just to get it for her.

After her birthday party, Sarah took her new doll and painted her fingernails purple (her favorite color.) That night, Sarah fell asleep with the doll in her arms, and she was in such a deep sleep that when it jumped out of her arms and went to her parents room, she didn't even notice.

The last thing her parents ever heard was a beautiful voice singing "Long purple fingernails" all slow and melodic.

When Sarah woke up, expecting her parents to be in the kitchen, making breakfast before work, she dashed to the kitchen with the doll in her hand, not noticing that the doll was missing four fingernails.

Sarah searched the house, looking for her parents and finally found them still under the covers in their room. She pulled the blanket off of them, expecting them to wake up and saw that they both had one long purple fingernail sprouting from their eyes.

Sarah, being very young, didn't think about how she should call the police, and she just went to her 15 year old brother Kyle's room, and told him what happened. Later that night he let her, the doll and the dog sleep in his room.

In the middle of the night, the dog woke up, and it saw the doll moving, and started growling, and the last thing it heard was the beautiful singsong voice saying, "Long purple fingernails".

When Sarah and Kyle woke up, they found the dog dead ans stiff, with two long purple fingernails wedged in his heart. But being too scared, they just holed themselves up in the room. (luckily Kyle had a restroom leading from his room).

Before going to bed, Kyle went to go take a shower, and after he was finished, and just getting out, he heard the singsong voice, "Long purple fingernails".

Hours later, Sarah finally checked the restroom because Kyle was taking a very long time and wouldn't answer when she called his name. And there, in a pool of blood, was Kyle, with a long purple fingernail in each of his ears.

Sarah ran to her bed and laid there with her eyes shut tight, a pillow protecting her ears, and her hands placed over her heart.

"Long Purple Fingernails"............



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