Never Make A Deal That You Don't Mean to Keep

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Once there was a boy named Cody. Every night when Cody was little, he had to wake-up and go to the bathroom. Every time he did, he would see a bloody figure of a small girl in the mirror. This really scared him.

One night he told his mother. She said it was a figment of his imagination. Well one day when Cody went into the bathroom and he saw the girl. She was motioning him to come closer. He asked, what is your name. The girl said in a small dry voice,"Carry." He asked, "What do you want Carry?" She told him that she had died when she was young as her brother had killed her. Now she was lonely and she wanted someone to play with. Since this was the house she had lived in, and he was the only child, she chose Cody.

"Carry, I want to make a deal with you. Every time I come to the bathroom and flush the toilet, please give me five seconds to leave without seeing you in the mirror. If I ever fail, I will come to live with you." Carry nodded and smiled.

One day Cody really had to go to the bathroom. As usual, Carry lie in waiting to watch him. This time he had locked the door. When he finished he was in such a panic he wasn't able to get out quickly. Carry came out of the mirror, and motioned for him to follow. Cody had no choice. He followed and was never seen again.

Cody's mother started looking for him eventually, but he was never found. Then one day she looked in the bathroom mirror and she saw her son, playing with a little girl. She shouted, "Cody come back to me! don't leave!" Cody turned his head and looked in the direction of his mother. Cody walked up to the mirror and touched it. His mother touched the other side, but Cody was unable to leave. She cried, but Cody turned and left. His mother cried and cried, and told the father. He looked and there was his son, playing with the little girl.

Never make a deal that you don't intend to keep, even if your parents say what you see is fake.

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