Footsteps in my Room

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I just moved into a new house about a year ago. It was built in the early 1700s. We're the third pair of people to live in it. (this is a true story). It all started the day I came home from my first day at my new school.

I thought the school was pretty cool and a lot of people liked me. I came home on the bus and looked at the house for the first time. My brother was also there. We went inside and I found my dog and step dad already there. I
brought my backpack to my new room and stood in the empty space. The house was empty except for some furniture and mattresses.

My new bed frame arrived a few days later. A couple weeks after that, my dog and I were laying on the couch watching TV. To go upstairs you have to go through the living room or my mom's room. Her room was locked so you couldn't go in without me seeing you.

Anyway, I was watching TV and I heard this weird sound from upstairs (I was home alone) and it sounded like someone jumping on my bed. I ran up the creaky steep stairs and found no one but my bed looked kinda messy. I didn't think to much of it and walked downstairs.

A few minutes later I heard another noise but it sounded like a person moving around in my closet. I have a huge closet. I ran upstairs and found all my clothes scattered around my closet.

while I was putting them back away I heard my dog bark. He's not supposed to be outside without a leash or he'll run away. I ran downstairs to find the back door wide open and my dog gone. I went outside to find him unable to move as if something were holding his collar. He wasn't caught on anything though.

To this day I still don't really know what happened. It's only been about a year since that happened. I think I have two or more ghosts living in my house, a good one and a messy one.

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