Bloody Woman

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I was driving to my friends house and it was 14 hours away. It was 3am and I was on a road and all that surrounded the road was big pine trees.

I hadn't seen a car for hours. Out of nowhere came a lady who was crying and screaming with blood all over her and she was crawling on the road. I pulled over and walked over to her. "What happened?". 'Save me, save me from axey'. "Who's axey?". She didn't respond, she just crawled into the back seat of my car and lied down. I jumped into the car and got my mobile out, but it was out of batteries. "My friend live's close by, he'll help us". She was asleep already.

I drove off and arrived at my friends house at 6am. She was still asleep so I left her in the car. I went to the door and knocked at the door. He opened the door and gave me a hug. Then I heard this scream come from the car, so I rushed over with my friend. She screamed and looked at my friend and she crawled backwards and said in a quiet voice 'That's axey'.

I turned around and he pulled out an axe and plunged it into my chest. Next, I heard screaming coming from behind me. Then I heard a voice 'axey,axey'. He did the same to the woman and plunged the axe into her heart.



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