A Promise Is A Promise

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Really Real


One day a boy named James and his father John were looking for a new place to stay. You see, James' stepmother passed away a few years back in their old home in Montana.

She never really liked James. She always gave him a dirty look and never treated him like one of her own. Before she died, she promised her self she would kill James for always getting his fathers love and affection instead of her.

"Dad, I'm going out with my friends." James said, leaving out the door.

"You made friends on your first day?" His dad was shocked and amazed at how quickly he made friends.

"Their just some friends from school. I won't be long."

"Well hurry back, I wanna watch the game with you."

"Alright!", said James, and he left the house.

It was around 11:00pm when James got home from hanging with his friends. When he stepped inside his home he found his father face down in a bowl of noodles he was eating.

James thought he was asleep, but when he turned him over he had several stab wounds in his chest.

James' father was DEAD!!!

"Ha ha ha", said James' evil step mother as she held a knife with John's blood on it.

"Now that I've gotten your father, it's your turn. I told you I'll get my revenge. A promise is a promise."

James rushed to the phone and called the police. When James hung up the phone his stepmother dragged him away into another room. She sliced his neck, tore him limb from limb and ripped out his insides.

Before the policed entered the room she vanished out of thin air. The officer leaned over James' body and said as he was crying, "Don't worry kid, who ever did this I will hunt them down and lock them up. And I promise I wouldn't mind dieing trying to."

The officer than heard a woman's voice say from a distance,




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