Black Dress

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true story

There was once a 26 year old woman named Ria. She was a poor woman whom lived in the woods where no one else lived. One day, she decided that she didn't have enough to wear as all she had were a dirty old pair of jeans and a t-shirt full of stitches.

A few weeks later, she found a small hut in the woods. She went to the

hut and noticed a note on the door that said:

"Free clothes. Come in and help yourself.

So she went inside. She noticed an old lady sitting at an old counter.

"What can I do for you ma'am?", asked the old lady.

Are there any good dresses?" asked Ria.

The old lady showed Ria all the dresses from white to black. For Ria, the prettiest dress was the black one. So she took the dress and thanked the lady.

One night, Ria slept with the dress on. The dress was super tight. The next day, they found her dead body cold and blue. She didn't have any blood circulation due to the dress and died in her sleep.

This story isn't about the supernatural, but it can really happen if you're not careful. The moral of the story is, don't wear super duper tight clothes to sleep.



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