Our Haunted House

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True Story


After having several encounters with ghosts and abnormal things I had to move to Quito Ecuador.

We moved to a very nice house, with cool neighbors and the entire deal. The thing was that the house and all of our neighbor's houses were hunted.

First, let me tell you what was going on in our own house. Well besides the normal things like lights going on and off or someone pulling my covers off of my bed in the middle of the night, other things happened as well.

My mom and I were in the kitchen one time, she had just finished washing the dishes so we were there, sitting around with a nice coffee looking at the window... While staring at the window we noticed one of the coffee cups moving all along the table and fall to the ground and shatter into a thousand pieces! Then several plates started falling and we had to leave the kitchen!

Once I was on my bed doing some homework when my brother came into my room to talk to me about something... then, my bed started to move and I jumped off thinking it was an earthquake. It wasn't, my brother and I kept on looking at my bed while it moved on its own.

We had a huge play room that we had to share with all the neighbors; it had a pool table, BBQ, s and squash. Every night you could hear people playing pool, having fun when there was nobody inside. We even heard a woman scream every night for about a month! Then when one of our neighbors went on vacations we could still hear the parents yelling and fighting even if the house was empty.

These things continued until one night at around 11 PM our neighbor's daughters called my father and asked him to come over as soon as possible. My dad ran next door and when he came back he said he would do some research on the house. What happened was that, when he arrived to our neighbor's house, the girls' parents had gone out for dinner and the girls were scared to death because everything was going on and off in the house and a dark figure was appearing. My dad took the girls to our house and started the next day his research.

The ground in which our houses were built was nothing else than an old Indian cemetery! I know how corny this sounds but it was! Quito is a small city and they had to make the cemetery smaller in order to build a road. Across our street was the rest of the cemetery that they had left intact!

We couldn't move out of the house right away, so we had to live there for another year until we left Ecuador!



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