"Duck down Koo fast!" Jeongguk screamed as the bullets started getting fired hitting his car. The car was not bullet proof so the car glass shattered due to the impact.

"Fuck! Where the hell is Jackson!! Shit! Siri, call Young-jae from my contacts." He voiced out still driving hastily dodging bullets not getting why they were being fired. 

"Yes bos-"

"WHERE THE HELL IS JACKSON!" Jungkook gulped hearing his hyung shouting but didn't dared to raise his head as the first time he tried Jeongguk dumped his head down forcefully on his own lap. So currently he was laying in Jeongguk's lap like a baby.

"beside you Boss." Young-jae replied looking through location tracker and just in moment a dartz prombrom black dragon was blocking the bullets for him.

Just when he thought he is finally secured another bunch of cars came from his side surrounding them.

"Holy shit."












"Dada, they are trapped." Tae muttered as he looked back at the car that was following them, he knew who's car it was. Perks of being a keen observer.

"Let them be Nabi, I never asked them to follow us." V said unbothered. In no way to hell he is going back in that mess to save someone else. He is not that good.

"Dada but, t-they came after us. And they are getting targeted becoz of us. Those bullets were for us. Please Dada, for me?" V looked at Tae and sighed, he is not getting what those Jeons had done to his lil brother who is going soft and pleading his dada for the first time to save someone and risk their own life.

"Just for you my lil bub. Just for you." Tae nodded happily and looked out as V took a turn and started driving back to the spot where the car is surrounded.

It was a narrow lane, so the cars could only surround him from two sides, one was covered by Jeongguk's own car while other was open to the bullets.

"Fire on the count of three. No one should stay alive inside the cars." A man from one of those car's ordered as everyone positioned their guns. 



"One! Fire!" But all their bullets got blocked as another Bulletproof car came in front of Jeongguk's car. But that was not the only car. A series of car's surrounded both the three cars as well as the other cars that were following them.

Now the tables were turned.

V got out of the car, same as Jeongguk. They both stared at each other when V broke the stair and shot the man that counted till three right between his eyebrows making most of people flinch as it was so sudden. The gun had silencer so they flinched by the loud thud and ear piercing scream of the man beside him.

"Go back with his body, and tell your boss that his one more beloved pet got killed. This time it was your luck and someone's generosity you all are alive right now and not turned into ash. Next time you all will dare to show me your face, believe me, You will die being afraid of your own face." They all gulped at his deep voice and hurriedly dragged the body in their car leaving from there.

"Cars back in line!!" He shouted and next moment all black cars were parked in a line leaving the white cars on their own position.

He turned to go back to his car but remembered something.

"And you, dare to chase me again like a dog and I will leave you dying in the middle. Be happy my brother was here with me today and being the kind soul he is, requested me to save you." V spoke through greeted teeth but Jeongguk had another questions in his mind.

He pushed the other back on his Black dragon hovering on top of him while looking dead in his eyes.

"Why the fuck you were roaming without any guards with these dogs chasing you? I know you are capable of saving yourself, but once you are out numbered, no one can save you. They never play fair and you know it better than anyone. What were you thinking while doing this?" Jeongguk asked growling lowly but all he got in return was a loud scoff.

"You really think I am that dumb Jeon? I am at the top of this field not for nothing. Those dumb shards were going to turn into ashes soon but just becoz of you my whole plan turned into ashes. Be blessed I am not killing you right here becoz all I want is to bury my all bullets deep in your guts. Remember the old worn out factory? Yeah, these dogs were going to contribute in burning the whole building with their useless bodies."

Jeongguk never felt this much embarrassed in his whole life but managed to hide it behind his blank face.

"Oh. Don't worry you will get what you want my doll. Bye." V again stood their dumbfounded when Jeongguk pecked his jaw and jumped inside his car driving away with the white cars following behind.

"What did he meant by that?"




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