"Well it clearly doesn't matter anymore since you and Uraraka aren't close that much now!" Melissa exclaimed. 

"I know~ And as much as I didn't want to, I just... I regret helping her out so much in the past." 

"You think? Why are you and him so distant anyway? Didn't you say that you and Bakugo were really close at one point?" Melissa asked. 

"Hah- there's a reason for that. Hold on." Izuku said as she stood up from the couch and walked over to her book shelf where she grabbed a photo album.

The greenette walked back up to the couch and sat down next to the blonde and opened the photo album to be a picture of Izuku, but she was dressed in boy clothes. 

"Remember when I showed you my Junior High picture?" 

"You mean the one where you were dressed in the boy's uniform? Yeah." 

"I didn't tell you the reason why I was wearing boy clothes back then." 

"Okay, so tell me." 

"Hah- it's because my mom made a mistake." 

"Ah- huh?" 

"Long before I was born and my mom was pregnant with me, the nurse told her the wrong thing in saying that I was going to be a boy." 

"Wait- seriously?"

"Mn. And because my mom had gotten the news that she was 'expecting' to have a boy, she and all of her friends bought baby clothes that were boy clothes. And because my mom wanted to be prepared for when she had me, she decided to wash all of those boy clothes and have a clean nursery for when I was born. That was a big mistake though." 

"Because she found out that she was actually having a girl?" 

"Yeah." Izuku said as she turned the page in the photo album. 

"Because she'd already taken all the tags off the clothes, there wasn't a return policy and so she basically forced me to wear boy clothes until I grew out of them and she could buy me new clothes that were meant for a girl. But..." 


"I'd already met Kacchan as a boy before I grew out of those clothes, and because he thought I was a boy too, I basically had to keep a secret from him. And because my mom kept mistaking me to actually be a boy, she kept buying more boy clothes growing up, and the last time she bought me boy clothes was when I was in Junior High." Izuku explained. 

"So... is that why you wore the girl's uniform at U.A.?" 

"Mn. But... Since me and Kacchan both went to U.A.... He actually thought I was crossdressing on the first day we both saw each other in high school." 

"Oh~ That doesn't sound good." 

"Yeah, he soon figured out that I was telling the truth that I was really a girl when he actually groped me in front of the entire class. He basically kept a distance from me after that." Izuku stated.

"So~ Did you still get to really stay as friends with him in high school?" 

"Of course, I actually think there was a time when me and him got really close. And... he was really nice to me at one point too." 

"But that was before Uraraka revealed she had feelings for him right?" 

"Right. And thus I was the one who ended up having to confess Uraraka's feelings to him... instead of my own." Izuku answered. 

"So you really did like him then, huh?" 

"Yeah, I did. But ever since he and Uraraka have been dating, I've had to basically crush those feelings I had and let them wither away in my heart." 

"Well that's depressing." Melissa muttered.

"And now that I know that Kacchan and Uraraka aren't dating anymore, I don't know if I really should help her or not." 

"Izu, are you saying... those feelings still exist for Bakugo?" Melissa asked. 

"Maybe... a little bit. Erm- but I really shouldn't! Especially since I have a date with Reed tomorrow!" 

"Then figure out your feelings for Reed first." Izuku looked up at the blonde and raised an eyebrow. 


"Once you meet Reed, and learn more about him as a person, then decide on if you really have feelings for Reed or not. If you do, then date him, but if you don't, then maybe you should try and keep having those small feelings for Bakugo. You never know what can happen." Melissa suggested. 

"That's... true. Are you sure I shouldn't just crush these small feelings I have for Kacchan now?" 

"Well, maybe. But you never know if those feelings you have for Bakugo can resurface. But you still haven't met Reed yet, so you never know if the feelings you're having now can change to be for a different person." Melissa explained. 

"Yeah... Do you think you could help me tomorrow too?" 

"Hmph, of course. But don't you have to work on the weekends now?" 

"Oh yeah, I forgot." 

"I'll help you as soon as you get off work."

Katsuki sat in the chair, grinding his teeth in anger while Takashi remained calm looking at the blond. 

"Well it seems Kei's been using your body a lot, hasn't he?" 

"No shit. I couldn't even think straight when I had patrol this morning. All he's been doing is drinking and exercising my body to the point that I don't even wanna get outta bed." Katsuki groaned. 

"Well at least he's not going out and having sex like he did the first night." Takashi noted. 

"Tch- why can't he just stop appearing and using my body this much? Is he tiring my body out on purpose?" 

"Probably. Maybe he's doing all of this as a way of revenge." 


"Think about it, Katsuki, Kei hasn't appeared for almost 10 years, and he's probably doing all of this since you shut him out for so long." Takashi explained.

As much as the blond didn't want to agree, the doctor had a pretty good estimated guess on why his body was so tired. 

"Has he left you any more videos since that first one?" 

"No, and neither have I." 

"Well, I'm sure if you try and make another video that has more specific ground rules, then maybe he won't tire your body out so much." Takashi suggested. 

"And why should I? He still hasn't told me who he had sex with when he used my body that night." 

"And maybe that's just another reason for the revenge of tiring your body out too. He did tell me that he didn't understand why you chose to date Uraraka." Takashi noted. 

"Tch- why does he care?" 

"I think I can understand the situation as to why you shut Kei out for so long, honestly." 

"Huh? What?" 

"The same time you completely shut Kei out, was right when you and Uraraka started dating, wasn't it?" 

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

So~ Izuku actually faked being a boy growing up and then revealed she was really a girl in high school, yeah, it's random, but I originally had this idea for this story anyway. It's gonna get better, I promise!

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